Chris Hedges: NDAA May Already Be Detaining Americans 2/6/13

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Chris Hedges speaks out after the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals hearing, February 6, 2013. He thinks Americans are already being detained without due process. I think he's right.

‎"This is the most important Constitutional case of our lifetimes, yet still not one word about it or the NDAA in the New York Times, nor in my hometown Detroit Free Press."
SEE3772's Avatar
Thanks for the post!

You wingers should fall down and worship this nut. Being the party of negative he seems like the most negative candidate you could find.
I guess the quote pretty much sums it up for this guy.....whackadoo.

Thanks for the post!

Originally Posted by SEE3772
LovingKayla's Avatar

this clip kinda goes along with this. It might make you kinda sick though. No need to correct the link addy, that's really the link.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
joe bloe's Avatar
In Chile, under Pinochet, protesters were taken away and never seen again. They were called the disappeared ones. Sting wrote a song about it, "They Dance Alone."
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Think you should win the Anti American person of the year award. Instead of finding things good about the country you try to find the worst.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Good for Kansas!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Think you should win the Anti American person of the year award. Instead of finding things good about the country you try to find the worst. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
What is good about this, Eva? Are you proud we now have indefinite detention like those other countries? Even King George at the time of the revolution did not claim the right to indefinitely detain people for any reason he wanted.