Personally I think it is about ego. ......... Most providers probably do it to drum up business.......
Originally Posted by clegs
As to many of the ladies posting "I am leaving", you are correct, "going out of business, sale". I don't fault them at all, it is a valid marketing technique.
Personally, I have had my account diabled more than once over the many years here and on the "P"....Sometimes I said something, sometimes I didn't. Personally, not about my ego, rather offering "closure" for others.
I am sure there are many other reasons as to why some would post a departure note and others would not, but I suspect they fall into those two broad categories.... Marketing or Closure (closure for themselves and/or for others).
For many, they personally don't feel the need to provide closure for others or themselves, their closure comes from their departure.
We all have different personality temperments and traits. It is what makes us interesting, to say the least.
Old Sarge