Younger providers vs. Experienced providers

KRISPY's Avatar
Young females dont know how to give a good bj!

Anyone beg to differ? I think we all agree

So ladies stop posing as 19 and 20 yr olds, please!
Do yourself a favor
MARTlAN's Avatar
Maybe you're just seeing the wrong young ones. I've had great experiences with 19 and 20year olds.
Same here. I know one who gives an awesome BBBJ. But, I think I may know where you are coming from. Them young 'uns are good for the the eye candy. But the more mature ones give great sex. But, I do experience a PYT that gives awesome sex, and have seen mature ladies who are lifeless as ragdolls.
Guest092815's Avatar
They say that "variety is the spice of life" so I think there is a need for both ends of the spectrum. You can pick and choose, each time you want to play...the lady or girl you think best fits your need at the moment.

Arguments can always be made for youth or experience. Attitude and skill have much to do with success!

peace and love,
Crystal, couldn't have said it better myself.
FastWheels's Avatar
I seem to have more in common with the 30-something+ providers so prefer to go that way myself. I like to actually enjoy some conversation while on a date and I just find that more difficult to achieve with younger providers... YMMV