What's your favorite workout equipment?

I used to think it was the Gazelle EDGE with the shocks (which it still is!) but now I'm looking into the Jungle Gym XT suspension trainer (like the TRX only more durable).

P90X is great if you take it easy on yourself and don't push too hard. A person not used to exercise could REALLY hurt themselves trying some of that crazy Sh*t! LOL That makes sticking with it more difficult.

I'm also a complete worshipper of the Cindy Crawford workout video. The easiest way to lose weight is follow the 'Eat More, Weigh Less' nutritional guidelines. I have never failed to lose #20 when I followed that (when I NEEDED it, of course!).

Aside from the obvious answer of your fav activity!!!!!!........ I am interested to know your thoughts!
Push ups , pull ups , sit ups , skateboarding , and lots , and lots of strenuous sexercise !
I actually think the original P90 is a much better option for most people, although the music is really dorky. Persoanlly, I like wind sprints, free weights ang hitting a heavy bag.
fun2come's Avatar
Flesh Light too obvious?? hmmm, I like to be outdoors, so Hiking Boots.
Double fisted Shake Weights.
EA Sports Active on the Wii
I love that Insanity work out video I lost like 30 pd in like 2 months from that some years back.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Cycling out on the road an hour a day at about 16-17 mph. Spin classes at Gold's Gym in inclement weather, or on my spin cycle upstairs. Hit the gym 3 days a week for weight lifting, hitting 28 machines in a workout. Once you hit approximately your 40s, the average male loses 1-2% of his muscle mass each year. My goal each year is to at least equal what I did the year before physically.
Once you hit approximately your 40s, the average male loses 1-2% of his muscle mass each year. My goal each year is to at least equal what I did the year before physically. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

I couldn't agree more. That is why my workouts incorporate more cardio than anything else. I'm not concerned with getting ripped like I was about 10 years ago. I'm more concerned with losing fat, staying healthy, and in shape.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I couldn't agree more. That is why my workouts incorporate more cardio than anything else. I'm not concerned with getting ripped like I was about 10 years ago. I'm more concerned with losing fat, staying healthy, and in shape. Originally Posted by cinnamonshark
And I couldn't agree more with your statements. If I had to give up cardio or weights, it would certainly be weights. Weights are great for muscle building/tone and increasing flexibility. Cardio gives a person muschle building/tone to a lesser degree but builds the cardiovascular system, thereby increaasing blood flow, the blood's ability to carry oxygen to the body, strengthens the heart, lowers the pulse rate, decreases blood pressure, burns more fat, etc.

There's an old saying -- "Marathoners keep it up longer." How true.
Just finished P90X - Kempo and a walk around the trail... Just shy of 5 miles I think it is.
Going to go dive into the deep end of my tub..
My favorite part of my morning workout...
Drunken_Hooligan's Avatar
Elliptical all the way. Although I do like to "pump" iron in various ways.... Been looking into getting some weighted clothes for when I work out. Does anyone have any positive or negative experiences using weighted clothing?
Sweaty yoga and am looking into kick-boxing for a different type of 'stress relief'. I love the yoga because my body is 'the weight' and I focus on the breathing as I stretch or hold a pose. Very intense and the 'sweating' is so cleansing! I am hooked :-).
My personal goal is to lose 30-40 lbs.
bigv123's Avatar
There is simply NO replacement for a Power Rack...for men OR women. In fact, most women need strength training a LOT more than men. As has been mentioned, as we all age, you lose some muscle mass if you don't train with good resistance. For women, who start with considerably less muscle mass than men, it's a much bigger problem actually. Take a look at Madonna TODAY. YIKES! She looks like the damn Crypt Keeper!! Compare her to her body in the late '80s...what's the big difference?!? MUSCLE MASS!

Now, this isn't to say that you ladies need to start packing on slabs of muscle all over. BUT, if you want to continue to look YOUNG, FIT, and ENERGETIC, you NEED that muscle mass...especially in your legs and butt!!

So...get to the gym and start lifting some heavy weights!!

Pull-ups, dips, lunges and a nice run will give you a ridiculous good body.