not always getting my PM notifictions via my email???

This is strange but I often get no notification that I have PMs. Or like today it said I had an unopened pm from Mon. and I know I have been on and checked my PMs several times since Mon.
I missed someone asking for an appt. and I am sure they think I just ignored them...

anyone else experiencing anything like this or know what's up with this?????
I seem to get multiple notifications of the same PM. It only seems to happen, when I am on the site. And read them when I get them. However I only get one email notification for the same message.
Allison, go to your User CP, click on "Edit Options" scroll down to "Messaging & Notification" In that block, you have a section called "Private Messaging" Make sure that there is a check in the box for "Receive Email Notification of New Private Messages " That should fix you up.

If you run into anymore difficulties, let me know.

The Colonel