The Voter Fraud That ‘Never Happens’ Keeps Coming Back

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hmmm . . . Not only did they vote TWICE for Obama, they feel they were justified in that it was necessary to keep Obama in office. Liberal logic at it's best.

Here's the article:

Critics of voter ID and other laws cracking down on voter fraud claim they’re unnecessary because fraud is nonexistent. For instance, Brennan Center attorneys Michael Waldman and Justin Levitt claimed last year: “A person casting two votes risks jail time and a fine for minimal gain. Proven voter fraud, statistically, happens about as often as death by lightning strike.”

Well, lightning is suddenly all over Cincinnati, Ohio. The Hamilton County Board of Elections is investigating 19 possible cases of alleged voter fraud that occurred when Ohio was a focal point of the 2012 presidential election. A total of 19 voters and nine witnesses are part of the probe.

Democrat Melowese Richardson has been an official poll worker for the last quarter century and registered thousands of people to vote last year. She candidly admitted to Cincinnati’s Channel 9 this week that she voted twice in the last election.

This is how Channel 9′s website summarized the case:

According to county documents, Richardson’s absentee ballot was accepted on Nov. 1, 2012 along with her signature. On Nov. 11, she told an official she also voted at a precinct because she was afraid her absentee ballot would not be counted in time.

“There’s absolutely no intent on my part to commit voter fraud,” said Richardson. . . .

The board’s documents also state that Richardson was allegedly disruptive and hid things from other poll workers on Election Day after another female worker reported she was intimidated by Richardson. . . .

During the investigation it was also discovered that her granddaughter, India Richardson, who was a first time voter in the 2012 election, cast two ballots in November.

Richardson insists she has done nothing wrong and promises to contest the charges: “I’ll fight it for Mr. Obama and for Mr. Obama’s right to sit as president of the United States.”

But, of course, as you know there is no voter fraud. Pay no attention to that lightning coming out of Ohio.

She admits to voting twice, yet will fight the charges. She sees nothing wrong with voting twice, as long as it's for Obama. You can't make this shit up.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-08-2013, 09:45 AM
nobody has ever said there is no voter fuck ups you dumb shit...what has been proven time aand time is that it is minimal. 9 out of how many dickhead? Good Lord, you are a partisan hack.
jbravo_123's Avatar
Sounds like the lady was just stupid and proud of it as opposed to actively trying to participate in fraud.

However, a few cases still doesn't make voter fraud a large problem...
You have any proof that it isn't widespread, or that it hasn't influenced an election outcome ?

nobody has ever said there is no voter fuck ups you dumb shit...what has been proven time aand time is that it is minimal. 9 out of how many dickhead? Good Lord, you are a partisan hack. Originally Posted by WTF
Say it loud:

"I am black and I am proud fraudster".................... ...
subtract 4 votes for Obama.
jbravo_123's Avatar
You have any proof that it isn't widespread, or that it hasn't influenced an election outcome ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
That that we really need to prove that it isn't a problem (since the accusing party in any argument usually needs to prove their case is correct), but here's from the Wikipedia entry on Electoral Fraud:

"Despite many instances of electoral fraud internationally, in the U.S. a major study by the Justice Department between 2002 and 2007[2] showed of the 300 million votes cast in that period, federal prosecutors convicted only 86 people for voter fraud – and of those few cases, most involved persons who were simply unaware of their ineligibility."

So no, it's not usually a problem in the United States.
71% of America thinks voter ID laws are a good thing and should be enforced.

There is no proof that requiring someone to prove their identification is voter suppression.
jbravo_123's Avatar
71% of America thinks voter ID laws are a good thing and should be enforced.

There is no proof that requiring someone to prove their identification is voter suppression. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
And we all know that we should do whatever the American public wants, right?

I'm just pointing out that voter ID laws are usually a money & time spent on a problem that's fairly nonexistent.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Do you have any proof that it is non existent? The newspapers say otherwise. We had it in Missouri. The best case was when two democrats went after each other. The biggest case was when Senator Claire McCaskill paid for campaign ads that helped Todd "legitimate rape" Akin the GOP candidate to win.
jbravo_123's Avatar
Links? A negative doesn't have to be proven - the accusing party needs to prove that it -is- a problem...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
jbravo_123's Avatar
That's a silly pic. In one case, you can have a single individual kill / severely harm others whereas in the other case it's very unlikely that a single individual will have any effect on anyone else?

Different rights have always had different restrictions on them.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-08-2013, 09:23 PM
Do you have any proof that it is non existent? The newspapers say otherwise. We had it in Missouri. The best case was when two democrats went after each other. . Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Nobody ever said there wasn't ever any. It is just very rare. I thought you dumb fucs were for less government regulations!
nobody has ever said there is no voter fuck ups you dumb shit...what has been proven time aand time is that it is minimal. 9 out of how many dickhead? Good Lord, you are a partisan hack. Originally Posted by WTF
. The biggest case was when Senator Claire McCaskill paid for campaign ads that helped Todd "legitimate rape" Akin the GOP candidate to win. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
That is politics, not voter fraud.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Maybe because a voting booth never killed anybody you Bircher.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Tell that to Anwar al Awaki's son. Oh wait. You can't. Obama killed him.