Before I get labled as "not looking like my pics" I want to say.........
For years I've bleached out my hair. I am a natural blonde, it's just naturally a dirty dishwater blonde. So for months now I've been attempting to grow out my natural color. My first review here in the Houston area got me to thinking how horrible that half grown out color must have looked. Poor guy.. I feel bad now for not looking my best as I always try and do.
So yesterday I went to the EXTREMES. I went and got my hair cut. I had ALL of the LONG bleach blonde hair cut off. In turn left me with this VERY short dirty dishwater blonde mess. I've sent out a pic to a couple of people and they seem to like it. Their responses were.. "OH it's cute" or " It's sexy that short". ME, I HATE IT! It's not how I am used to seeing myself. Not with short hair, not with dirty dishwater blonde hair. It's a new look that I'm gonna have to grow used to if I want my hair to become healthier. And from here I will let it grow back out long again. It's just going to take some time.
Gentlemen, please be patient with me on appearance. I do understand that my website pics or even showcase pics will not look like me. I am in the process of finding a photographer so I can get some new pics posted.
Thank you for your patience
And don't forget to tip your waitress,