Teabaggers...err...."The Tea Party Movement"

atlcomedy's Avatar
Ok...here's my problem with the Tea Party Movement....

Ideologically I line up with it pretty well...

But the people I know personally that are involved with it are well intended idiots. They mean well but I wouldn't trust them to successfully run a soup kitchen much less the Country. Pragmatism is not their strong suit.
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  • oden
  • 06-29-2010, 03:11 PM
I think its more of a public display for less government and less taxes. At this time there is no national connection, it is still locally driven so can have a little different flavor depending on the location. Right now Republicans would like to co-op it and Democrats to discredit it; although there appears to be signs that the Dems are trying their best to infiltrate it. I think conservatives by nature don't like change and tend to be pretty low key. This is just a sign that they are riled up.
Rudyard K's Avatar
Ok...here's my problem with the Tea Party Movement....

Ideologically I line up with it pretty well...

But the people I know personally that are involved with it are well intended idiots. They mean well but I wouldn't trust them to successfully run a soup kitchen much less the Country. Pragmatism is not their strong suit. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Most people...Tea Partiers included...don't have the ability to see the forest for the trees...and...realize that the trees must be dealt with too. One must come up with a 30,000 foot plan...then circle down to 20,000 foot...then down to 10,000 foot...then down to 500 feet...and ultimately down to tree top level. Along the way down some ideologies will get lost...and some will get left behind. But in the end, the most good for the most people will be accomplished.

Unfortunately, the first sign of trouble...someone throws out a disparaging comment...or climbs up on their soap box...and the discussion goes to hell.
[quote=Rudyard K;391199]Most people...Tea Partiers included...don't have the ability to see the forest for the trees...and...realize that the trees must be dealt with too. One must come up with a 30,000 foot plan...then circle down to 20,000 foot...then down to 10,000 foot...then down to 500 feet...and ultimately down to tree top level. Along the way down some ideologies will get lost...and some will get left behind. But in the end, the most good for the most people will be accomplished.

Thinking like that got Obama elected.

Just sayin'

Rudyard K's Avatar
Thinking like that got Obama elected. Originally Posted by urhuckleberry
And your point is?...

Most everyone gets elected via that thinking.
Ok...here's my problem with the Tea Party Movement....

Ideologically I line up with it pretty well... Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Sorry to hear that atl. Thought you were a lot smarter than that.

The only movement the Tea Party resembles is the bowel movement...so much sh!t.
atlcomedy's Avatar

If you want to say 'shit' here, you can say 'shit'
Ok...here's my problem with the Tea Party Movement....

Ideologically I line up with it pretty well...

But the people I know personally that are involved with it are well intended idiots. They mean well but I wouldn't trust them to successfully run a soup kitchen much less the Country. Pragmatism is not their strong suit. Originally Posted by atlcomedy

One doesn't need a PhD to bring a valid protest against high taxes, bigger government and the repeated election of blithering idiots to high office.
Sa_artman's Avatar
One doesn't need a PhD to bring a valid protest against high taxes, bigger government and the repeated election of blithering idiots to high office. Originally Posted by Egrbvr
Well maybe if they enlisted a few to help them, the tea baggers might make some sense.
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 06-29-2010, 09:33 PM
Keynesian economics has been proved to be flawed and to pursue that course is folly. To denigrate people that do not want to increase spending by the government is idiocy, so when you call them names because you think their intentions may not line up with yours only points to your own closed mind. If you want to really help turn things around you should focus on facts and not intentions. Sometimes the softest hearts are the most practical and the best intentions cause the most harm.
Rudyard K's Avatar
Well maybe if they enlisted a few to help them, the tea baggers might make some sense. Originally Posted by Sa_artman
Why don't you try it first to prove up your theory?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-30-2010, 10:49 AM
One doesn't need a PhD to bring a valid protest against high taxes, bigger government and the repeated election of blithering idiots to high office. Originally Posted by Egrbvr
Nor does one need a PHD to point out that these same Tea Party folks do NOT want any cuts in government spending to THEIR pet projects.

Fuc! How many times do we have to point out that your Tea Party actions are not in line with your Tea Party Brain?
Nor does one need a PHD to point out that these same Tea Party folks do NOT want any cuts in government spending to THEIR pet projects. Originally Posted by WTF
you keep saying this over and over and it just doesnt make any sense
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  • WTF
  • 06-30-2010, 11:15 AM
you keep saying this over and over and it just doesnt make any sense Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Really? They were the biggest protesters towards 'Death Panels'. Do you even understand just WTF these so called Death Panels were addressing? Let me give you a hint. Huge cost at the end of one's life. They were addressing the ugly question of making tough choives as a nation. With limited resources, Do we as a nation want to spend millions of dollars on the very end of ones life. The Tea Party folks said Hell Yea! Do NOT cut spending there. Ok but then do not bitch when others tell the Tea Party folks to shove it when they come asking others to cut from their pet peeves.

I can not help you understand basic math. If you do not understand the concept of limited resources and tough choices.....then you probaly will get elected to the very top of the Tea Party looney bin. Nobody in that movement can seem to grasp that very basic concept either.
they were protesting the plan itself...they were picking apart the plan as to its elements. they didnt want the government provided health plan.

now about medicare thats a whole different issue and isnt even in the realm of anyone being able to foist off onto the conservatives as it being "their" benefit.