Slaves to convenience...what luxury can't you live without?

These days, we've all become so dependent on modern conveniences, its a wonder how we lived without them before they were invented/introduced. There are the things we depend on everyday for communication and business, and then there are the things we for damn sure don't need, but swear we can't live without. I'm not talking about the simple telephone or sliced bread...but actual luxuries (things most less fortunate countries don't have common access to).

What kind of modern day luxury could you just NOT live without?
For me, its a toss up: I'd swear that I couldn't live without two things equally.

(1) Dictation software. Yes, I may be a dork...but MAN is that handy! When I have writing to do...its SOOO helpful to be able to have automated technology to take down my thoughts as they come. Then I can even edit later all by voice. Love-it.

(2) Internet/Catalog shopping for toys and naughty wear. I don't have access to stores all the time, and usually the best things are sold in larger markets (where I rarely am). So by being able to see what's out there and get one for myself all from the comfort of my home is a super convenience I just can't give up.
well not want to live car..the freedom it gives..old (older) people joke about their kids wanting to take their keys away from them as if thats the last bastion of control..and maybe it really is...not being able to drive...

when i was younger and had no car..i would walk...on weekend nights when i was in high school i would walk 14 miles one way to visit a girl..see her a few hours and then walk back (i measured the distance years later to see how far it was)..i rode to college in a grey hound bus with a pillow covered by a yellowing old pillowcase on my lap and a suitcase by my side...walked up the hill to register not having a clue what i was college i would hitchhike and walk to get places...finally got my first car and i guess that would be my choice
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 06-29-2010, 03:16 PM
Air conditioning and the internet.
atlcomedy's Avatar
...but actual luxuries (things most less fortunate countries don't have common access to).

What kind of modern day luxury could you just NOT live without? Originally Posted by Nina Rae
(2) Internet/Catalog shopping for toys and naughty wear. I don't have access to stores all the time, and usually the best things are sold in larger markets (where I rarely am). So by being able to see what's out there and get one for myself all from the comfort of my home is a super convenience I just can't give up. Originally Posted by Nina Rae
I was stuggling with answering given your definition, but since you broke it yourself I think I'm okay. That is if you are in a "less fortunate country" and have a good credit card, an internet connection and are willing to pay shipping, the internet has opened up a ton of new shopping opportunities for people

For me my singular luxury is Fluff & Fold Laundry service. As a bachelor, not having to do it myself is fantastic. (But according to your original defintion this wouldn't qualify, as F&F is actually pretty cheap in many "less fortunate countries")
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 06-29-2010, 06:06 PM
Ok, you've got the sex and the laundry covered, as a bachelor I guess all you need to cover now is the cooking and cleaning.
My grandfather died a couple years ago at age 97. I once asked him what modern improvement changed his life most, he replied "paved roads". Me, my iPhone would be hard to live without.
Alt’s tagline says it for me: my housekeeper. If I never mop or do a load of laundry again, it will be too soon.
TexTushHog's Avatar
The internet.

Airline travel.

access to water, and electricity
my iPhone would be hard to live without. Originally Posted by Egrbvr
My PDA is my best friend.

and lack of AC here in Texas is unbearable, so these would be the two on my list.
Rudyard K's Avatar
I was having this discussion the other day with a buddy.

Imagine an EMP going off over your city shutting off all electrical items and electrcity. No cell, no internet, no air conditioning, no electric stove, no refridgerator, no auto, no lights, no land line, no microwave oven, no TV, no non-instrument music, etc. Think of how quiet it would be in the world.

We are a society that is a slave to many of these items. There would however, be a lot of sex going on over the course of the next few days.
Next week I have a class reunion and no I won't say how many years. So at this moment, Botox and fillers seem like things that I gotta have, can't live without.
Next week I have a class reunion and no I won't say how many years. So at this moment, Botox and fillers seem like things that I gotta have, can't live without. Originally Posted by Ansley
and all this time i thought the blur on the face was for safety concerns