Is There Something Wrong With Chat ?

Is there a problem ? Have not read anything about it ......
Lordy I hope everyone on here knows this is a joke .... I started to post 'Does anyone on here know where Mercianna is at ?' just to loosen things up ....

FYI.... Never seen, met, chatted with, or talked to them... but I love what Reese Foster and Ze throw out there ...
Please don't spam this forum with nonsense and be careful that you do NOT cyber-stalk any user.

If they create their own train wrecks, they own it and have to live with whatever the final outcome of those threads are.

Other members starting threads, bumping threads to stalk those other members because it is fun, likely cyber-stalking.

Forum Guidelines

#17 - "Cyber Stalking" is a term that refers to the act of following another member around online. This may include persistent PMing of the other party, repeated ISOs about the other party, or excessive bumping of reviews or posting in threads about the other individual, whether it be positive or negative information posted. In any of these cases, whether staff deems that the behavior has crossed the line into cyber-stalking, or the "stalked" party complains to staff about the alleged behavior, staff will take the necessary steps to make it stop. Please avoid becoming involved in this type of conduct.
Again, if they create their own train wrecks, staff tends to be hands off for the most part.

We are done here. FYI, the forum for jokes is the Sandbox