In case anyone else wants to know:

Rockerrick was the winner of the man ads. The poll was going to be up until the 20th, but it looked like RR had everyone beat and there were no more votes for my silly little thread trickeling in. I asked RR if he would go ahead and close it.
And NO....RR and SR do not know each other or have we ever met. But that is soon to change! That's for the conspiracy theorists

Thanks for a fun thread and to RR for contributing to my favorite cause Safeplace!
True , we don't know each other , look forward to finally meeting you ! Hope we hit it off , I'll try my hardest . This was kinda fun being silly for a contest . All those whom contributed did a great job ! I got a few PM's from ladies who thought it was funny as hell , not even from Austin . I'd like to thank Scarlett for coming up with her ever evolving post , and coming up with the donation prize . I think it was very smart of you to include Safeplace , sounds like a women's shelter , a worthy cause , you can fill me in . 'Til we meet !
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fun2come's Avatar
Now you 2 do meet and tell us all about it :-)))
... and don't forget to have FUN, ah who am I talking to, of course you will :-)
Congrats, Rick. Can't wait for the review on this one!