msguru's Avatar
I am posting this at the risk of being slapped by someone for not using the search function or by someone that may think using all three boards on the same title is a sinful action

As I had previously posted, I am just now jumping back in the hobby after about a 5 year absence and when I left the hobby, ASPD was going very strong. When I left, I kinda left hard and really did not turn back or dabble much with keeping up with everything that was happening in the hobby during that time. I did hear about Amber passing away but also knew that she had been sick for some time...and shortly after that they were raided and shut down. I then had heard that the old ASPD databases were being maintained by a new site called ERAPS and I think at one point I did successfully log into there just to see if I could.

Anyway, I did some searching and read some stuff on the web about eraps and eccie merging. Was that something that actually happened or not? I am trying to see if there is any documentation left from my aspd account and information?

I've heard rumors that eccie is supposed to have access to ASPD and ERAPS data bases and all the reviews . If true it would be cool to have access to the old reviews , since a lot of the members are still active here.
GneissGuy's Avatar
ASPD was never "raided." There weren't good plans in place for someone else to take control of the old web site when Amber died, so the old website address eventually "died." ASPD was still top dog at the time Amber died.

Some of Amber's family started up the eraps site and copied most of the data over.

For various reasons, ASPD lost a lot of participation between Amber's death and the site shutting down, and eraps never caught on. Most of the people migrated over here to eccie.

I'm sure there are some people who would like to do some muckraking, but let's not soil Amber's memory, and simply enjoy what we have here at eccie.

There were a couple of cases of ASPD being hacked. Never any raid, or indication of big brother being involved. I don't think any of these were after Amber's death, but I could be wrong.

One social gathering in Houston did get raided. Not a whole lot really happened. I think a small number of people with outstanding warrants got arrested, and one or two people who said stupid things to undercover cops got arrested. Most people didn't even have to show ID and went home. This was not an "ASPD" sponsored event, although it was organized by some ASPD staff members.
msguru's Avatar
Thanks Gneiss for laying that out there for me. Like I said, I did not stay up on much of what was going on during my hiatus and just caught some things in passing and I just did a search on what I recalled reading back then and it was in fact Christmas get together.

I agree in regards to reason for anyone to say anything about her in a negative light. I do know that people had issues with her but early on, I would communicate back and forth with her and our exchanges were always pleasant. I would hope that people would allow her to rest in peace.