To all MS guys and gals...

As of tomorrow, Wednesday the 13, I will be in Charlotte, NC for a first time visit. I will be available to give all ladies references so please email me and I will answer as quickly as I can. I will be available the following Monday, the 18. Hope everyone has a great rest of the week.
tracerxxx's Avatar
Have a fun and "SAFE" trip.
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Ooohhh, I think it is cold up there - stay warm! But if the guys in the Carolinas are smart, they'll help you stay warm.

DallasRain's Avatar
stay safe and have fun
Miss39402's Avatar
Have fun & Be careful
Oh I'm used to the weather and I invite the mild bite. This east coast hussy misses it
When You Are Ready's Avatar
Mina, have fun, but don't forget to come home.
Have fun Mina.
Thanks guys
coast_encounter's Avatar
Your not missing anything on the Coast right now. Nothing but RAIN, RAIN and more RAIN. :-(
Same here in Carolina and still getting dumbasses calling off Biloxi bp. Good for change of scenery tho
Enjoy your trip!
Thanks u two!