Paying to write reviews???

I see ads on ECCIE from time to time that will say that the provider will pay money, in the form of a discount, to write reviews. Now obviously they will not give a discount on a future visit if you write anything short of a glowing review. My question is why does ECCIE allow providers to include these enticements in their ads or showcases. There might be a legitimate reason, but in my opinion all this does is encourage false reviews and more members in the legion of white knights. I'm not trying to stir up a storm here, I'm just curious as to why this is allowed. Thanks........
burkalini's Avatar
Five dollars to a thousand I'm going to write a review that's honest. If I get a discount that's great but the review is going to be real so the session still has to be good or your right no more discounts from her because I'm not going to see her anymore. Reviews are for hobbyist and not for providers.
My sentiments exactly berkalini, I feel the same way. I would really like to hear from a member of the ECCIE staff on this one as well as thoughts from providers and hobbyists.
KatieKatie's Avatar
A lot of girls see the reviews as advertising. Most should. I am pretty sure they are not expecting you to lie. They just want others to know what they offer and how they do it. I like to read the leaks of people talking shit.
Cpalmson's Avatar
I have helped several local girls get established. I never asked for a discount or a special, but I know the girls have appreciated the reviews and have offered to make it worth my while to see them again. I see nothing wrong with that.

I'm all for discounts for reviews. I will always make mine honest. Thinking about it, we should get a discount. When I do a review, I put at a minimum of 30 minutes into writing it. Most of the time, it is more like an hour. If I used hooker math, then they should see me for free to get the review-- J/K
KatieKatie's Avatar
You have no clue how many annoying messages we get asking if we have review specials. I don't email Amazon and ask when they are going to put the TV I want on Gold Box. Usually I will buy the tv either way so I don't care about reviews from the boy's club.
Still Looking's Avatar
You have no clue how many annoying messages we get asking if we have review specials. I don't email Amazon and ask when they are going to put the TV I want on Gold Box. Usually I will buy the tv either way so I don't care about reviews from the boy's club. Originally Posted by KatieKatieNYC
At $400 per hour you have separated yourself from the masses. I'm sure you have regulars and are in total control of your business and destiny. But get a couple of super shitty reviews and have some of your regulars die or find a different ATF and I bet you might change your mind.


At $200 you are hot as a fire cracker! Your phone would ring off the hook.

At $300 you are still hot. Perhaps at the top of most to do lists.

At $400 many guys are out but your still hot.

At $500 you NOT nearly as HOT as as you were at $200-$300

Now add a couple of reviews that say you have a negative attitude....and you don't give a rats ass what hobbyists say or thinck. Your hotness factor just took a shit at least from a business stand point. Had awl4knot given you a BAD review I'm betting things could have went differently for you.

Oh FYI... I thinck you HOT. If you ever come to Texas.... well you know the drill. Call me!
ben dover's Avatar
SL... Her name says NYC but her location is listed as Houston..get the T-shirt ready...BD
Still Looking's Avatar
SL... Her name says NYC but her location is listed as Houston..get the T-shirt ready...BD Originally Posted by ben dover
I wonder if she will give me a discount...?
Fastcars1966's Avatar
I have helped several local girls get established. I never asked for a discount or a special, but I know the girls have appreciated the reviews and have offered to make it worth my while to see them again. I see nothing wrong with that.

I'm all for discounts for reviews. I will always make mine honest. Thinking about it, we should get a discount. When I do a review, I put at a minimum of 30 minutes into writing it. Most of the time, it is more like an hour. If I used hooker math, then they should see me for free to get the review-- J/K Originally Posted by Cpalmson
Me too, I have been grandfathered in for helping a quality ladie get started. Sometimes all it takes is a reputable member to do a review and the provider gets a big boost in business. I have had a couple ladies offer more than just a discount for helping them set up accounts. Dinner, freebies etc..... But the one thing I always do is give a fair, but honest review.
awl4knot's Avatar
Hey SL, What's up with you giving any provider grief about their pricing and board comments? A little bit of hijack, don't you THINK? Seems like we've gotten a little imperial, no?

Katie has about 40 glowing reviews on TER. She's smoking hot. She's got a mind of her own. If she doesn't care what the "boys club" THINKS, she'll deal with the consequences. But none of this seems to be the basis for a lecture on how she should price or market herself. To be blunt, she don't give a fuck about what you or I THINK. Just like you and I don't give a fuck about what each of us THINKS.

To get back on topic, I THINK the OP is more than a little meddlesome and THINKS that ECCIE has the power to tell ladies how to price and market their business. If he THINKS that a $25 discount will influence a good reviewer, then he prices integrity much lower than most of the mongers who I know. I WISH that someone would offer me a discount for a review so I could face the "moral dilemma" of whether the discount should influence my report.

Peace, brother.
Fastcars1966's Avatar
Hey SL, What's up with you giving any provider grief about their pricing and board comments? A little bit of hijack, don't you THINK? Seems like we've gotten a little imperial, no?

Katie has about 40 glowing reviews on TER. She's smoking hot. She's got a mind of her own. If she doesn't care what the "boys club" THINKS, she'll deal with the consequences. But none of this seems to be the basis for a lecture on how she should price or market herself. To be blunt, she don't give a fuck about what you or I THINK. Just like you and I don't give a fuck about what each of us THINKS.

To get back on topic, I THINK the OP is more than a little meddlesome and THINKS that ECCIE has the power to tell ladies how to price and market their business. If he THINKS that a $25 discount will influence a good reviewer, then he prices integrity much lower than most of the mongers who I know. I WISH that someone would offer me a discount for a review so I could face the "moral dilemma" of whether the discount should influence my report.

Peace, brother. Originally Posted by awl4knot
Bravo Bravo,
Chica Chaser's Avatar
My sentiments exactly berkalini, I feel the same way. I would really like to hear from a member of the ECCIE staff on this one as well as thoughts from providers and hobbyists. Originally Posted by Malcolm1357
To get back on topic, I THINK the OP is more than a little meddlesome and THINKS that ECCIE has the power to tell ladies how to price and market their business. If he THINKS that a $25 discount will influence a good reviewer, then he prices integrity much lower than most of the mongers who I know. I WISH that someone would offer me a discount for a review so I could face the "moral dilemma" of whether the discount should influence my report. Originally Posted by awl4knot
That pretty much covers it.
pyramider's Avatar
I write reviews all the time. My rates depend on how many activities you want listed.
mbinlincoln's Avatar
Would I take a discount for writing a review? Hell yes. *hint, hint*

However, more importantly, I have started, before I see a gal (especially a traveling gal, or a younger gal), I tell her that I write reviews and I am totally honest to my Bro's. So, yes, you may be a "10" in looks and a "11" in body, but if your attitude sucks, and you rush me, or if you otherwise violate the services promoted in your profile and ad, I will write a "no" review. It may also say YMMV, because at 52, fat, receding hairline, and "below average" size, I realize that some 20ish "model-types" may not "be into me" and it could affect their performance.

Either way, I think the understanding that reviews can be significant for both parties involved. Provided that the review is objective and honest, of course....