Wasserman-Schultz at it again

Ducbutter's Avatar
This broad is priceless. She's absolutely compulsive.

Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 02-15-2013, 11:41 AM
Typical dnc tactics, lying cocksuckers. And she is about as nasty, a cunt as it gets.
the "medicare recipient" was a set up

the more galling lie is he (rubio) or any republican would make life more difficult for seniors by supporting a plan to alter Medicare by reducing benefits.

is it wonderful to have medicare insurance or obamacare or any other "universal" coverage, and have no doctors or health care providers?

yes i gave you insurance, i gave you great benefits, and all the crummy lousy no good doctors quit!
It takes a lot of a certain type of talent to induce vomiting in others when you speak, but this political Hack does just that..

She is to President Obama what Elenor Cliff was to Bill Clinton.
notorious sycophants:

wasserman-schultz, of course

rosa delauro

eleanor cliff as so aptly recalled

harry reid

joe biden

so many in the newsmedia

all these water carriers it should be embarassing

fill in your fav
Yssup Rider's Avatar
No lies there. Deception? Maybe. Misdirection? Absolutely. But no lies.

And briefing your speaker is nothing that isn't done every day on both sides. You honestly think people testifying before Congressional committees aren't routinely briefed by the party, member or interest they are there to represent?

Ducbutter's Avatar
No naivete here Assup. I know none of those types of shills are pulled out of a hat. You have to be able to control the message. But to be so blatant as to chose someone who's a relatively high profile partisan locally is beyond stupid.
And the lie took place when the DNC scrubbed the fiasco from their transcript. The lie of ommision is still a lie.
No lies there. Deception? Maybe. Misdirection? Absolutely. But no lies. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Sorry, but that is a lie by omission.

If you set up a situation to "allow" people to believe that a person is a disinterested party, rather then a partisan political operative, you are deceiving the audience into thinking that the person has a disinterested perspective. This Capella woman clearly did not.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Thoughtless, Obama cut $500 billion from Medicare with the Obama plan, reduced the money going to Social Security with his "tax cut", and the GOP has said repeatedly that they plan to do nothing to either for anyone over the age of 50 or 55 depending on the speaker. Kool Aid drinker!
Randy4Candy's Avatar
No naivete here Assup. I know none of those types of shills are pulled out of a hat. You have to be able to control the message. But to be so blatant as to chose someone who's a relatively high profile partisan locally is beyond stupid.
And the lie took place when the DNC scrubbed the fiasco from their transcript. The lie of ommision is still a lie. Originally Posted by Ducbutter
Like Fauxed Up Noise is an organic, free-flowing, unplanned group.

Give me a fu*king break.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Thoughtless, Obama cut $500 billion from Medicare with the Obama plan, reduced the money going to Social Security with his "tax cut", and the GOP has said repeatedly that they plan to do nothing to either for anyone over the age of 50 or 55 depending on the speaker. Kool Aid drinker! Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Corneyhole, the election is over. You can now stop repeating the "$500B from Medicare" b.s. - btw, it is $700B - and the temporary reduction in the employee part of SS withholdings stopped at the end of 2012 as promised.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Can she be charged with a crime? did she misrepresent the speaker? should she also have disclosed the speakers full resume? Her medical history? Her sexual proclivities? Im not going to argue that it wasnt a stupid move ... Not am I gonna say its OK because everybody else does it.

But I'm not going to call her a liar. Nor a, what was that Seedy? Lying cocksucker.

YOU FELLAS TEND TO SCREAM "LIAR" ANY TIME YOU FEEL LIKE IT. Like Fox and so much of the right wing media, you've watered it down and desensitized people to the gravity of breaking the Ten Commandments.

Your bad. deal with it!
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 02-15-2013, 03:31 PM
But she IS a lying cocksucker. Rightly don't know anyone personally in their right mind that would let that ugly, nasty, skank, suck their dick though. Maybe some libtards would. Lmao
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Libtards would, but Teawipes would suck hers!

LMAO @ silly little dipshits!
Ducbutter's Avatar
Like Fauxed Up Noise is an organic, free-flowing, unplanned group.

Give me a fu*king break. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy

Hey! Look over here!
Nice try.
Stay on the topic or stay out.