Trouble Getting Any Business Lately... Help!

Hey guys I don't kno what the deal is but I haven't gotten any business for about two weeks. I've been posting and have good reviews but I'm going broke...what gives?
Oralist's Avatar
Try lowering your rates, running specials, etc. This is a "down" economy despite what Obama says. If a guy can get beautiful and sexy for under $200, why pay $300?

I have a new ATF that I can see for $160 per hour. That's twice for $320 and she is gorgeous and GFE+++.

The phone isn't ringing much for the $300+ ladies. I know it won't be me calling.
Get on P411 and offer a discount to members.
  • iquit
  • 02-16-2013, 07:03 AM
Patience pays, always does. Have a good business plan for longevity and don't live by the session, in other words, have enough that you can live on for a longer period than 2 weeks. I like your demeanor though, asking is always a good thing.

The reasons are price vs value. If you think it is price, try a special, and see if it drums up your appeal to the price conscious, most likely, it will increase demand, and then, hook em enough to make them see the value part and go back to your original rate. Chances are, those that are price sensitive won't come back but if the ones who don't come back are too many, then you probably will have a rough idea where the market has valued you at. I know it seems like a commodity but am talking about your services, not you as an individual.

And yeah, don't do something in desperation, desperation breeds failure, always has, especially in the personal service industry. Sometimes it slows, sometimes it does not. Learn the cycle and plan ahead. Stock up in periods of plenty and spend in periods of lack.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Ladies may not want to hear it, but guys bargain shop.

Let's see. Hot girl for 3 bills.....OR equally hot girl for a bill-75.

We're not all sons of oilmen or play for the Texans or hit the lottery. Most guys earn their money the old fashioned way and are a bit more thorough on how they spend it. It doesn't mean you're not hot. I glanced at your showcase. You're quite doable, That said, I'd have to see what other [more affordable] options were out there first.
I just looked at your pics... Wow! Holy crap, hot.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
It ain't just you, babydoll....even Wal-Mart couldn't turn a buck last month:

,,,and I'm afraid it's just going to keep on getting uglier as long as we have President Mugabe...oops, I mean Obama...all up in there sticking spikes in America's economic gears.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Wow! That was quick.
cabletex7's Avatar
It's not price alone. I don't have a problem with $300 if I'm certain of what I'm getting. But if reviews indicate a YMMV girl, I might take a chance at $200 but not for $300. Sure, sometimes 30 mins and I may end up trying that some day but for now just not my thing.

Also, I realize review specials are tough from a girl's perspective with guys taking the special and not writing the review. But if you offer one, don't have preconditions.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Since I'm just waking up & not in asshole mode yet I think this would better be served asked in the Powder Room (Ladies Area). I'm sure the tenured ladies would have valuable info for getting through the slow periods. All guys are gonna say is lower prices. take it in the ass, swallow, etc. Also complaining about business or lack there of in open is a turn off. IJS

Now for my morning bowl of Asshole-io's.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 02-16-2013, 08:15 AM
Since I'm just waking up & not in asshole mode yet I think this would better be served asked in the Powder Room (Ladies Area). I'm sure the tenured ladies would have valuable info for getting through the slow periods. All guys are gonna say is lower prices. take it in the ass, swallow, etc. Also complaining about business or lack there of in open is a turn off. IJS

Now for my morning bowl of Asshole-io's. Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
Might not be an asshole just yet this mourning, but still funny as hell.....

It is all cyclicle pretty lady, things will get better, but DTL, i am afraid is correct also..
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Exceed the expectations of the client and you will do well.
On the other hand, 300 for a session limits the client pool.
You could incre3ase your rates and see a limited number of clients.

The fact is, you should have a business plan and understand that the experience that you provide is the product and you are commanding a premium rate. Make sure you are providing a premium product.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Dorian makes several good points. His brain is awake even without his Asshole-io's soaked in the milk of malignity. He's had his cup o' clever, however.

Since you DID ask in open forum, and as I'm a "tenured" lady (sounds so much better than "old broad" or "been-here-awhile-and-still-manages-despite-her-decrepitness" ), I'll chime in.

Yes, $300 does limit the pool in Houston, but there are clients attracted to a price point that implies low volume. If you lower your rates, it might be difficult to raise them again, and if every lady going through a rough spot lowers them, which is too common, it becomes a buyer's market due to stress, when we want it to be a seller's economy based on success. Experiment with specials, but I'd say leave your base price the same for now. Try offering more time, instead, like 90 minutes for what you usually ask for an hour. Send a "newsletter" to those who have seen you before with a "preferred client" deal. Btw, the phone isn't ringing off the hook for the $160/hour ladies, either. Things are slow this time of year for everyone.

You do have some pretty hot photos. I didn't notice a website, and that would be helpful,. You need your own place, not just an ECCIE profile or P411 ad. You can do a lot on your own site to make yourself and your services more beckoning that you just don't have the room to do elsewhere. Diversifying your advertising to venues other than ECCIE and P411 will draw more clients, but you'll find a link to a website will make them feel better about calling you. It gives you a sense of "permanence" and extra credibility.

You have 24 reviews here, several appearing to be stellar, and only one "maybe." I don't call that YMMV, as someone stated. It's a 98% positive record, but since that review was recent, it will make a few fellows pause. Reflect upon that experience and try to learn from it, even if you think the fellow was full of moosetwinkie.

Be scrupulous about your facts, as the gentlemen will pick them apart. On your ECCIE profille you list your age as 22, but in your "About RHiANNON" section, you say you're 21. Update that. And dump the silly *'s in your phone number. This isn't Backpage, and it annoys some fellows.

If you have a nice incall, play that up. Very important gents feel safe and comfy.

Post more frequently to keep your name out in front of the fellows. Be creative in your posts and ads, and don't just depend on age and beauty. In a super-competitive field like this, it won't be enough. A lovely girl with manners and personality, too, can be a magnet.

I noticed you started a thread indicating you're thinking of going to other cities? Many ladies do tour successfully, but they also get burned, spending money on expenses only to have clients cancel once they're already in town. Concentrating hard on establishing a solid base here might be more worth your time, but then again, getting away might be a good jumpstart to a cold motor, and refresh you a bit.

Irish luck in lust!
cabletex7's Avatar
The Recommendation in the review is practically useless. You can't rely solely on that to make your decision. You have to read between the lines of the ROS. Read enough reviews and a few TOFTTs and you quickly figure out what is being said.

Be scrupulous about your facts, as the gentlemen will pick them apart. On your ECCIE profille you list your age as 22, but in your "About RHiANNON" section, you say you're 21. Update that.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Fancy makes a lot of great points, but this is one that always makes me wary. When I see inconsistencies it makes me think either that they are not keeping up with the business side of things or they are not being truthful/can't keep things straight.

Both things are big negatives to me for obvious reasons. Yours isn't that bad, RHiANNON, just making the point in general. Good luck to you!