You Think He Really Cares

Originally Posted by gary5912
Yes, he cares within the relm of what his politicall beliefs and a lifetime of indoctrination will allow him.

The Democrat Party has created this problem. Back in the '60's, they told the African American Community that depending on the Government was what they really needed, things like parental support and personal responsibility were simply not needed. Vote Democrat, we will take care of you.

I wonder how that is working out?

Now the Democrats are going after another ethnic minority, the Mexican American Community. I guess their message is, 'vote for us, and we will do everything for you we have done for the Blacks"

I wonder how that will work out?
Now the Democrats are going after another ethnic minority, the Mexican American Community. I guess their message is, 'vote for us, and we will do everything for you we have done for the Blacks" Originally Posted by Jackie S
Jackie, I believe you've got it bass ackwards. It should have read as follows:

Now the Republicants are going after another ethnic minority, the Mexican American Community. I guess their message is, "don't vote for us, and we will do everything against you we have done against the Blacks."

The Republicants strategy seems to be working quite well!

Originally Posted by gary5912
In a

All he cares about is implementing as much of his statist agenda as possible before the electorate figures out what an empty suit he is and just how disastrous his "fundamental change" will be for this country.