Can I delete a post?

kinzee's Avatar
I am a provider that travels. Even though I provide the dates that I will be in a particular city, I am still receiving calls from the towns I have already left. Is there a way to delete the post once I have left the area?
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 02-19-2013, 02:49 PM
If there are serious privacy or security issues involved it will be considered but otherwise no, we do not remove such posts.
ck1942's Avatar
Something you might consider when posting:

-- Place the absolute dates for each city in the headline (don't feel too much sympathy for folks who cannot read. Do, however, ask them if it will be alright to send them an "advance" notice for any subsequent tours to their cities. Maybe that can assist both ends of the trade. In fact, if you consistently hit the same cities on your circuit, you should be sending private notices to favorite or constant clients so they can plan ahead.

-- In your signature, list as many cities and dates you feel comfortable posting; remember that you may update your signature any time..... the updates will show board-wide, wherever your posts display your signature.

If you get an urge to visit Texas, specifically Austin or San Antonio, check out my signature for upcoming events.

We love to host visitors!

Especially those of us with a serious need for personal care.
  • thx
  • 02-20-2013, 07:23 PM
Or, perhaps, refer them to look at your profile. You can modify the profile as you need.