Obama is truly flip flopping lying scum................he says what is political convenient at the moment...his only core philosophy is the destruction of middle class wealth and dreams !

Yssup Rider's Avatar
didn't you just post this same shit?

Fucking idiots!
Nope.....the video comparing Obama's 2 polar opposite positions on sequestration is worthy of it's own thread.......

You don't like it, suck an egg..........

Obama is a liar of convenience....whatever it takes for him to get his way, he will say it....FACT JACK ! THE VIDEO PROVES IT !!!!!!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Thanks, but don't call me Jack!
Okey dokey Jack, anything you say Jack, anything else I can oblige Jack ?
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 02-19-2013, 04:31 PM
Nope.....the video comparing Obama's 2 polar opposite positions on sequestration is worthy of it's own thread.......

You don't like it, suck a DICK..........

Obama is a liar of convenience....whatever it takes for him to get his way, he will say it....FACT JACK ! THE VIDEO PROVES IT !!!!!!! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Fixed it for ya whirly.. lmao
Thanks Seedy; Obama is power grabbing scum; but his die-hard defenders, like AssUp Jack are worse............they are willfully ignorant scum.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Off the meds again, eh, Whirlyturd?
Nope; just taking my cue from Obama's over the top rhetoric.....Obama is declaring war on anyone who he opposes............Obama started his blame the GOP tour; blaming Republicans for nothing short of Armageddon if the sequester goes through. Obama has stepped it up a notch from before where he was just suggesting that Mitt Romney would be OK if you got cancer. Now he’s suggesting the whole Republican Party would be OK if you got cancer.....welcome to the fight club Jack !
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Obama is the best at this game I've ever seen. He takes both sides in an issue, and is always able to land the blame on the Republicans. I'd admire it, if he weren't trying to become a dictator.

By the way, how's our old buddy doing? You know,



Randy4Candy's Avatar
Trendaway, you truly are an ignorant slut. You have no clue (and, obviously neither do the House Teawipe Parrotriots and the rest of the Republican'ts) as to how politics actually work. Let me break it down for you and the rest of you alleged political geniuses:

1. There was an attempt to hold a budget ceiling vote hostage.

2. In order to get that particular vote passed in favor of raising the ceiling, The President for Four More Years said, "Sure, dumbasses, put whatever strings you want on it, just pass it."

3. The fools took the bait, hung all of this "sequestration" garbage on it, passed it and proceeded to break their arms patting themselves on the back. They had to pass it anyway, even most of those klowns aren't stupid enough to fu*k up the world economy by putting the USA in a position to default on debts already incurred. Someone would have ran the "run it just like a business" b.s. up their asses. Successful businesses pay their bills.

4. Now, the Teawipe Party Parrotriots and other Republican'ts (in name only, I guess, haw haw haw) are sweating what the "sequestration" will actually do to the defense budget as well as other "frivolous" domestic spending programs, like cancer research. In the well put words of Governot Mofo Goodhair, "Oops!"

5. The President for Four More Years now says that he will veto any legislation that gets rid of the "sequestration" AND does not deal with debt reduction through a plan of cuts and revenue increases. A majority of the country agrees with him.

8. Congressional elections are in 2014.

7. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, our heroes, aka the Teawipe Party Parrotriots and some Republican'ts in name only, are now uncomfortable at being grasped by the short hairs while between a rock and a hard place. In the well put words of Goobernoid Mofo Goodhair, "Oops!"

8. This is what happens when checker players move to the big board and try to play chess. Shouting, "King me!" doesn't quite get it.

9. The President for Four More Years has not dismantled his campaign apparatus and has, in fact, been providing blow-by-blow (from his perspective, naturally) accounts of the current House fiasco to centrists and other independants as well as your friendly, neighborhood Democrats via social media. In the well put words of Governot Mofo Goodhair, "How does this Tweetery Mugbook thangy work, again?"

Consequently, Trendaway, you and the 24% of the hard-core Teawipe Parrotriot Fewls are getting ready to see what happens when a world of hurt pounds you about your head and shoulders. The tinfoil hat you wonderboyz are so fond of ain't gonna deflect much.

Oops! This is what happens when a group dedicates four years to "do everything we can to make the President a one term President." In the well put words of Sarah Palin, who, btw, is the only Teawipe who has come out on top since 2008 - she made a ton of caish, "How's that workin' out fer ya?" Or, if you prefer sporting references, "You may run like Hayes, but you hit like shit."

Don't like it? Find a way to get from 47% to 51% while being aware that your 47% is now more like 39%. The last plan didn't work. Hint: quit getting more radically stupid, er, I mean "conservative."

But, you can always do rational beings a favor and stay the course. heh heh heh
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Heh...."The sky is falling"
Its a bitch that road goes both east AND west
Its a bitch that road goes both east AND west Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Hey, quit stealing my line.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Sometimes it's hard to be The King.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Seemed like an appropriate time to slip in in there