Pregnant Teen Wins Abortion Battle

Finally, a slap down to the baby killers.
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A pregnant teen who sued her parents, claiming they were coercing her to have an abortion, will be able to give birth to her baby.

Attorneys representing the 16-year-old girl were granted a long-term injunction against the girl's parents in Texas family court on Monday, according to court documents.

The teen is 10 weeks pregnant and the injunction will last for the duration of her pregnancy.
As part of the order, the girl will be able to use her car to go to school, work and medical appointments. Her parents had taken away the use of the car as part of their effort to force an abortion, court papers stated.

The teen's parents will be liable for half of the hospital bill when she gives birth, unless she is married to the baby's 16-year-old father.

"We are extremely happy with the judge's decision today and we are very proud of our teenage client for being strong enough to stand against her parents to save her unborn child's life," Greg Terra, president of the Texas Center for Defense of Life, said in a blog post on the group's website.

Attorneys filed a lawsuit on the teen's behalf earlier this month arguing that her parents "are violating her federal constitutional rights to carry her child to term by coercing her to have an abortion with both verbal and physical threats and harassment."

The teen, identified in the lawsuit only as R.E.K. since she is a minor, was "beside herself" when she called the center for help, her lawyer Stephen Casey told last week. The group claims it has previously represented teens in similar situations and won their cases.

"These girls are in a bind, particularly in a situation where their parents are forcing them to do something they don't want to do," Casey said. "Regardless of the [situation], that's her parents and she should expect support from them in this situation, not resentment and anger."

When the pregnancy was confirmed, the teenager's father allegedly "became extremely angry, was insistent that R.E.K. was not having the baby, and that the decision was not up to her, according to the lawsuit. He stated he was going to take her to have an abortion and that the decision was his, end of story."

The teen claimed in the lawsuit that her parents had taken away her phone, pulled her out of school, forced her to get two jobs and took away her car in an effort to "make her miserable so that she would give in to the coercion and have the abortion."'
Another 16 year old mother. Great. Maybe the high school has daycare?
Well then the parents should immediately file to emancipate their daughter. If she wants to be a mother, let her. She can pay for the diapers, baby formula, day care, ad nauseum. If the baby daddy decides to step up and be a father, that is fantastic.

But frankly, neither her parents, nor the tax payers should be expected to pay one red cent for either her care, or her child's care.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
A minor???? She is going to be a mother, time to put up the childish things and become an adult. I guess she is watching TV and seeing how glamorous it is to be a teen mom. Maybe she thinks she can get her own reality show and a magazine cover. The parents failed. They failed to implant good values or good sense and then they tried to cover it up with an abortion. The best thing would be to give the baby up for adoption.

Spay or neuter your children if you're not going to keep them in your yard. (that's sarcasm)
joe bloe's Avatar
Well then the parents should immediately file to emancipate their daughter. If she wants to be a mother, let her. She can pay for the diapers, baby formula, day care, ad nauseum. If the baby daddy decides to step up and be a father, that is fantastic.

But frankly, neither her parents, nor the tax payers should be expected to pay one red cent for either her care, or her child's care. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
I doubt that the parents can file to emancipate the child. I think that option is only for the child.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 02-20-2013, 10:35 AM
Be interesting to see if the folks that helped her legally, will continue with financial assistance.
I doubt that the parents can file to emancipate the child. I think that option is only for the child. Originally Posted by joe bloe
I am sure that every state has their own way of doing things, but my parents emancipated my oldest sister when she was 16 years old. I believe the decision was mutual, but I know it was my parents who initiated the proceedings. I have no idea how things might have turned out if my sister had fought the emancipation.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-20-2013, 10:41 AM
I am sure that every state has their own way of doing things, but my parents emancipated my oldest sister when she was 16 years old. I believe the decision was mutual, but I know it was my parents who initiated the proceedings. I have no idea how things might have turned out if my sister had fought the emancipation. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
lucky for joe blow, his parents didn't know this option existed!
She's a minor. She has no buisness sueing her parents. She has no idea how to care for a child. Plus her Parents are idiots and the "Baby Daddy" haha, like he'll be around. The state should step in and award the child to a gay couple. Thats pretty much in line with the country's general arttitude anyway.
joe bloe's Avatar
She's a minor. She has no buisness sueing her parents. She has no idea how to care for a child. Plus her Parents are idiots and the "Baby Daddy" haha, like he'll be around. The state should step in and award the child to a gay couple. Thats pretty much in line with the country's general arttitude anyway. Originally Posted by acp5762
I like your avatar. It makes an interesting metaphor; the light at the end of the tunnel can only be reached by going through the barrel of a gun.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-20-2013, 10:53 AM
. The state should step in and award the child to a gay couple.. Originally Posted by acp5762
Are you and your partner ready for such a huge responsibility?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-20-2013, 10:55 AM
I like your avatar. It makes an interesting metaphor; the light at the end of the tunnel can only be reached by going through the barrel of a gun. Originally Posted by joe bloe
andy dupree had to reach it by traveling through a sewer line
Are you and your partner ready for such a huge responsibility? Originally Posted by WTF
Hahahaha, why is it any post with the word "Gay" in it you're ready to hump it with some off the wall remark, lol.
bojulay's Avatar
Will the baby get a cell phone from Obama too.

ha ha ha ha
joe bloe's Avatar
andy dupree had to reach it by traveling through a sewer line Originally Posted by WTF
Great movie!