
Why are so many providers reluctant or unaware of being able to express thanks or occasional gratitude?. I always give generous tips, often in addition to gift cards, wine, etc. on top of regular fee. I never argue price, am squeaky clean,professional, courteous and on time. Even have helped pay for school, traffic ticket, personal issues, etc. with no strings, no extras and no returns asked. I have been blessed to be able to do so and enjoy helping others as I often was helped early in life.
Yet it seldom if ever gets a thank you or appreciative comment other than the original 5 minutes later. Not looking for love or commitment or favors, just someone that wakes up one day and goes wow, this really was nice, thanks
I personally think thanks is one of the most powerful words in any business and in life
So providers am I nuts!, Well probably.
Hobbiest, anyone else feel this way?
Boltfan's Avatar
Some don`t and you are human if you feel even a small amount of annoyance towards their ungrateful attitide.

That being said, many ladies are very polite and grateful .
DallasRain's Avatar
a true southern lady always extends gratitude
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
I know I am always grateful and express it through saying "thank you" , "i know you don't have to do this", "you don't have to do this" etc etc. Being a provider is a very intricate profession, both so personal yet still business .... But like any business you always let your best clients know and feel like your best clients!
Roger.Smith's Avatar
Why are so many providers reluctant or unaware of being able to express thanks or occasional gratitude?. I always give generous tips, often in addition to gift cards, wine, etc. on top of regular fee. I never argue price, am squeaky clean,professional, courteous and on time. Even have helped pay for school, traffic ticket, personal issues, etc. with no strings, no extras and no returns asked. I have been blessed to be able to do so and enjoy helping others as I often was helped early in life.
Yet it seldom if ever gets a thank you or appreciative comment other than the original 5 minutes later. Not looking for love or commitment or favors, just someone that wakes up one day and goes wow, this really was nice, thanks
I personally think thanks is one of the most powerful words in any business and in life
So providers am I nuts!, Well probably.
Hobbiest, anyone else feel this way? Originally Posted by DingdongTwinkie
Those are things you volunteered. If a provider says thank you, as you state 5 minutes afterward, then I'm not sure what more you're looking for. It sounds more like you're looking for an affirmation from a woman you have paid for sex. It comes off as a little needy.

Your situation sounds more like the Nice Guy Syndrome. "I treat her better than everyone else, why doesn't she acknowledge that?" If you show up clean and pay the proper donation, all is good. Try winning people with your personality instead of with gifts. You don't get to determine the level of someone's gratitude. It becomes a burden to receive gifts from people like that.
tsrv4me's Avatar
Dingdong...I do agree that sometimes we consider a provider as a friend and not as a business deal ....and we expect more from friends .....particular in the way of Thank you's after giving a gift ....but I havent received those thank you's either and found I dont expect them any longer .......she usually looks at the gift or tip as part of her compensation .....and maybe she should .....but Thank you's are nice and maybe after several years of seeing a specific provider .....she might even offer you something in return for being so loyal ......
Appreciate all comments and they are all good
Not looking for sympathy or anything other than feedback
And often these are providers I have seen many times
For long term. Helping with school etc is totally voluntary
On my part and has nothing to do with even visits for
Lunch. I just find the lack of the use of
Thank you a little puzzling regardless of
Any business or connections
It's just in my upbringing and my personality
I find one of the biggest benefits of text or email and cell
Phone is being able to reach out to those I've come
Into contact with for various reasons and just say
Thanks or how you doing to help make their day better
It's amazing the positive impact that can have on
Just curious about everyone's take
And Thanks again
addict's Avatar
Many (not all) providers need to hate the guys they see in order to deal with the guilt they feel in relation to what they are doing. In my experience this tends to decrease as they get older and more mature and come to terms with things.

Its similar to how some guys treat women like shit as soon as the moment is over in an attempt to absolve themself of the colossal guilt they feel when cheating. Not pretty, but not uncommon.
daty/o's Avatar
I don't tip the girls at Starbucks just for doing their job and charging me $5 for a $.50 product. I rarely tip providers anymore, either. It doesn't seem to make a difference and leaves me that much closer, financially, to seeing her again. If she gets a repeat visit, there's her tip. If you connect on an emotional level, a tip is not necessary; if you don't, it won't help.
Probably very sage advice
whitechocolate's Avatar
DingdongTwinkie, you are obviously not just a very giving person but a person who expresses his gratitude to those who give to you and therefore you expect the same behavior. Most people aren't that way. Good business practice should include lots of gratitude to create lots of repeat clients. Many providers do have those practices but most dont unfortunately. A "thank you" should be routine.
Just had to add my 2 cents for what it's worth. Unfortunately in our society today, "the niceties" of life have gone by the wayside, and it appears that it could possibly be the demise of proper parenting has resulted in feral children with limited communication skills. If we ever lose our opposable thumbs, there will be nothing left to distinguish us from the rest of the animal kingdom.
Even if they don't respond back accordingly, Mr DigDong, you will have treated them as you wish to be treated. Send out the good vibes and don't stop being the person you are! Have a most wonderful weekend.
Roger.Smith's Avatar
I always give generous tips, often in addition to gift cards, wine, etc. on top of regular fee…

Even have helped pay for school, traffic ticket, personal issues, etc. with no strings, no extras and no returns asked. Originally Posted by DingdongTwinkie

For long term. Helping with school etc is totally voluntary Originally Posted by DingdongTwinkie
Good people don’t give gifts and expect something in return. You say there weren't strings attached, but there were. You wanted them to keep thanking you for coming to their rescue. It’s like that friend that never let’s you forget he did you a favor. Nice Guy Syndrome is often guilt manipulation.

You can’t volunteer those things, then get upset when you don’t feel like you got thanked enough. Someone saying thank you only once doesn’t make them a bad person, it doesn't even make them rude. They're just not living up to your standards. People saying keep doing what you’re doing and someone will appreciate you aren’t doing you any favors. Saying you’re just a nice guy and you enjoy doing these things are a disservice to yourself.
pyramider's Avatar
It just depends on the lady. Everyone that I have seen has thancked me for my visit/leaving. Its a nice touch and you do not feel like a number. There are some where we could just sit and talk the entire session without ever noticing the time lapse. If you notice, I said we and not she.
Crimson32's Avatar
FWIW- It's not exactly like we are walking in and purchasing a loaf of bread off the shelf at your local Kum&Go. But in that regards- each business has the right to refuse service, just like any provider. And in this case- you know exactly what your getting. Even though each provider is different- you pay for a service that is still considered Taboo in this country. From the sounds of it- it looks as if you are expecting much more than a thank you- if you want some kind of gratitude or reassurance from someone develop a friendship outside the hobby that gives you that. We pay for a level of companion ship that is all smoke and mirrors- In my experience the really nice guys enter the friend zone- and that's a shitty zone to be in when your looking for something more.. The really~ really nice guys show a level of weakness that i would assume, seems somewhat unattractive IMO. That's just my 4 cents.