Illegal Immigration.. your thoughts

I know this could be a very 'HoT" subject and seeing where it is in the news every single day I just wanted to see some other opinions other than mine.

My first opinion is:
What part of Illegal is not understood? I see the Federal government is taking the State of Arizona to court because of their new law that takes effect the end of this month.
Again it is simple, Arizona is simply doing what our Federal government should be doing, enforcing the law. Protecting our borders

Let me ask you this:
What happens if you enter another country Illegally or undocumented?
My guess and past experience is you would be detained and either taken to jail or who know what else could happen. Maybe shot on site in some places!!
But not here, the illegal's and the criminals have rights. This is the part that confuses me. Re: The town in Nebraska that was passing a law not to rent, give jobs, etc to undocumented / illegal aliens.

Then check this out: So Damn Funny!!! the ACLU ( American Civil Liberties Union) jumps in and says they will sue the city and state for what is a violation of their civil rights... THERE WHAT???? CiVIL RIGHTS????

I thought we as American Citizens had civil rights, NOT Illegal's. WTF is up with this country.
We are the only country in the world when it is not required to carry your passport for identification. I have traveled all over the world, first thing they they ask for is your passport, for banking, hotels, using your credit card, buying a sim card for a cell phone and just about everything.
I once made the mistake of traveling to Moldova on a 30 day visa ( one time entry thru the airport, you get a visa there for $60) I left and upon returning I went by train thru Ukraine. I told the border people I needed a visa, but they insisted I did not because they saw my old one was still in effect date wise, but not notice it was not valid entry wise. ( I had only a 1 time entry) well it was a living hell. They, The Police" took my passport, I had to pay some flunky $800 USD cash (so he could pay his buddies some pennies to get my passport back and get out of there).

Look at what it cost us a tax paying Americans to have undocumented / illegal aliens in our country. They don't pay taxes, when they are sick or injured they go to the emergency room for what is mostly free health care because they cant pay, and yet in the end we have to pay more. they commit crimes, drive uninsured cars and then we have to pay more for our coverage because of those people. And the list goes on and on..

Again what part of "Illegal" is not understood?

Let me end this by saying this: I am Hispanic, born and raised in this country. I try my best and have done everything right as a citizen of this wonderful country we call home.
My wife is from another European country, but here legally, works, pays taxes and all that jazz.
We had to pay to file forms, and get visas and obtain an immigration attorney to have her come here legally. I am happy to say all worked out, it just took some time, about 1 year total to get a visa to come here. Thing is we did it the right way.

I have no problem with foreigners in our country, but they should do it the correct and legal way.

IMO: Obama should put armed military on the border, protect it with all we have, and if necessary take immediate decisive action if need be. If a few more were shot I think it would be a deterrent for the others. Nothing will happen until we get tougher as a nation.

Have a wonderful day
MoneyManMatt's Avatar
Lacanterra, I couldnt have said it better myself and I'm glad that someone that has Hispanic decent sees this. Why do liberals and the ACLU continually go to the racial profiling card? I just dont get it b/c i can think of tons of examples on how a hispanic cop can pull over a white guy with an accent and ask for papers. The ACLU wont claim racial profiling there will they?

LaCanterra, you nailed it 100%. You're a great American!!!
Lacanterra, I couldnt have said it better myself and I'm glad that someone that has Hispanic decent sees this. Why do liberals and the ACLU continually go to the racial profiling card? I just dont get it b/c i can think of tons of examples on how a hispanic cop can pull over a white guy with an accent and ask for papers. The ACLU wont claim racial profiling there will they?

LaCanterra, you nailed it 100%. You're a great American!!! Originally Posted by MoneyManMatt
Hey MoneyMan, thanks for the compliment. I only did this to express my opinion and the understanding that illegal is simply " Illegal" But as usual the liberals and the other pundits for some reason want to protect everyone except the ones who need and deserve to be protected and defended. They just don't get it!! And it really irks me. Why can't someone fight for our rights as Americans and law abiding citizens. Why is it you have to be a criminal or an illegal immigrant to have more rights than we do. The Damn liberals / ACLU make it very difficult to say the least. All that this country was founded on is being taken away, Pledge of Allegiance in School,the right to prayer in School, and here recently I see some high school kids got in trouble for wearing a T-shirt with the American flag on it.
We see Native born American Citizens, who are of Islamic Decent, going to Pakistan to join the fight with the enemy to fight Americans... WTF, So it really makes me laugh when I see their parents trying to defend them, and I clapped and rejoiced when the Pakistan government put them in Prison for 10 years. Maybe they will learn a lesson and know how good it is to be in this country.

I dont care if you are Hispanic, ( which I am) Italian, black, brown, or a little green man from Mars... you come here, you need to have the correct papers. Plain and simple. Like I said in my original post, my wife did it. And it was not a problem. I am 100% for " LEGAL" Immigration.
Just try to enter another country and see what happens. The reason they do it here is because they can!

The idea of Racial profiling is BS, just an excuse to say he is picking on me. If you have nothing to worry about, have all the T's crossed and I's dotted, then no problem. I could go on and on. Sorry for the ranting and raving...
Have a good day
  • eqi
  • 07-02-2010, 05:28 PM
great, my reply was deleted...
Submit it again..your reply
suks2bu's Avatar
Here is my post on KSAT forums. Posting on forums instead of reading my nursing books, momentarily diverts my attention as a break.

In an earlier post, I had regarding immigration and the Arizona law; I mentioned that it would not pass here in Texas or in San Antonio. I will take the time to reiterate and laugh at the political naysayers saying I was "wrong." This has nothing to do with immigration and has everything to do with the economy here in Texas. Literally the break backing work that is performed on many levels is done by illegal aliens, Mexican undocumented workers. Many of your large corporations and small businesses need these undocumented workers for these tasks. These same owners of these companies are large contributors to campaigns and have political influence over the representatives in the city, state and federal political bodies. The Texas legislature convenes bi-annually which is once every two years and is not due to meet till next year. Scream, holler and stamp your feet all you want, but illegal aliens are here to stay.
Illegal immigration is illegal and thus it should not be allowed.

What I have an issue with is when racist organizations use it to undermine civil liberties to advance their platform.

Situations like this would be so much easier if we were all of the same religion and color.
Budman's Avatar
Illegal immigration is illegal and thus it should not be allowed.

What I have an issue with is when racist organizations use it to undermine civil liberties to advance their platform.

Situations like this would be so much easier if we were all of the same religion and color. Originally Posted by JJ
What racist organizations are you refering to?
golfnwine's Avatar
I am biting my tongue,,,,,,

BUT what part of ILLEGAL doesn't anyone understand.
Precious_b's Avatar
Its political. No one wants to touch it.
Bush tried it. Politics.
It surprises me Obama raised it. Politics will kill it again.
I think there are other more pressing issues to finish before *trying* to solve this one.
onetrickpony's Avatar
I've always believed that there is a place in America for those who are willing to work. Immigrants should not come here expecting welfare handouts. But we should make it easier for honest workers in good faith to participate in the American system:

*Allow guest workers into the country for a fee and for a limited time, say nine months. Then they must return home before they are eligible for another nine months. This will put the coyotes out of work, provide revenue from the importation of labor, and allow the workers to return home at no penalty to support/rejoin their families, thus keeping the dependents out of our public education and health care systems, thus reducing our costs for both.

*Give guest workers identification/employment/tax papers after determining that they are not wanted criminals in their own country or ours, not carriers of infectious diseases, and not currently smuggling contraband. Allow employers to hire guest workers legally, but require them to pay a legal wage and all other taxes associated with legal employment. My guess is that when the costs are the same, employers will seek English speaking citizens of year-round availability instead of non-English speakers of 9 month availability.

*If employers still prefer guest workers over citizens, then at least they will prefer to only hire those who are here during their 9 month eligibility period instead of those who overstay their time, further reducing illegal immigration.

*Limit welfare programs to citizens only. If workers can't support themselves here, then they should go back to their home countries.

*Limit health care (unpaid) to emergency services only.

*Guest workers could become eligible for citizenship after their second 9 month tour. This process should be made much easier and faster. Workers who have completed 18 legal months of employment here have demonstrated a contribution to our economy and a willingness to obey our laws. Related to this, require voters in local, state, and national elections to show proof of citizenship to vote. Guest workers should be actively prevented from taking part in elections.

*Fly helicopter gunships over along the border and shoot anybody not crossing at a legal checkpoint. If it is cheap and legal to enter the country at a legal crossing station for the above mentioned interviews/inspections/licensing, then anyone crossing anywhere else must be a criminal with violent intent and should be shot on sight. Instant death from above would help control the drug trade.

Just my opinion.
Hey I totally agree with you on "EVERYTHING" you mentioned. And I believe something like this would work. If and only if they were to actually sit down and actually try to work it out.
Once again I have no problem with Immigration as a whole, I just want them to do their part. If you want to come to our country, and partake of the freedoms, services and liberties we have, then become a citizen or a fully documented legal resident immigrant.

JJ: I am with budman, What racist organizations are you referring to?

sucks2bu: "Many of your large corporations and small businesses need these undocumented workers for these tasks. These same owners of these companies are large contributors to campaigns and have political influence over the representatives in the city, state and federal political bodies. The Texas legislature convenes bi-annually which is once every two years and is not due to meet till next year. Scream, holler and stamp your feet all you want, but illegal aliens are here to stay."

well I too agree on some of this, if the BIG corporations need them, then they should also help in getting them documented and becoming documented workers as onetrickpony suggested. And if they don't, then they should be penalized severely for not doing so. I realize there are Americans who don't want and won't do these jobs, because they are better off having their ass on welfare and also draining the system of it's resources. You might be correct in saying "They Are Here To stay" but when that local farmer/land owner gets his fill and starts shooting a few at a time, things will change. It has to change, many people are getting fed up.I see you are in the Medical field, My wife is also a Resident Doctor. Look at what happens in the ER, and when they basically give free Medical help... it only costs "US" more money.
what happens to US hard working people who just maybe had a run of bad luck, or something ( god forbid) happened where we were not able to work or make the kind of money and just once we needed some help. you all know what the answer would be, oh you made to much money, you have a home and a car, well yes I do because I worked for it, but I just lost my job.. ETC, ETC and I need a little help to get back on my feet. they would laugh you right out of the place...

Have a good day all
The problem I have with the Arizona law as I understand it is that you have to be able to show proof of residency "on the spot" when asked or else risk being taken into custody. There is no law that I'm aware of that requires a US citizen to carry proof of citizenship...thus the Arizona law is unconsittutional. LE has all ready shown a propensity to abuse their powers with harrassment. This particular law would allow them too much latitude! LE is already too heavy handed IMO.

If our lawmakers and law enforcement officers were really interested in solving our illegal immigration problems it'd be very simple. Just arrest any indivdual or business owners that employ illegals. Make the fine very serious to even include confiscation of business/property. This won't work simply because politicians have been "bought" by business and individuals to not enforce these types of laws. Until that time comes....we're going to always have an illegal immigration problem.
Well I am sure you are required to show proper I.D. when stopped, thus most of them don't have this or they have possibly forged /fake I.D. which all leads into them being here illegal. No matter what, the term "Illegal" is in my understanding still "Illegal"

I understand your thought of fining business owners, and you are probably correct that they are protected by the corrupt politicians we have.
Another thing that should be done is to limit the term of these lifetime politicians. Just like the president, limit there term and this in turn will put a halt to the long term/ lifetime of BS we have to put up with from them, they don't care about us and I think and hope we are going to see a change. From what I see there are some serious upsets in the mid term elections. One can only hope for a change, we as American's are fed up, and it is starting to show.
Immigration and border security are both vital to the national interest, and I try to keep myself informed on the issues. This is an interesting website I stumbled upon the other day.

In a nutshell:
1. Dissolve the border between the United States of America and Mexico
2. Add Mexico as a United States territory and break it up into individual states, effectively turning Mexicans into American citizens.

There's quite a bit more to it, and it's totally unrealistic, but it's definitely "thinking outside the box" and pretty thought-provoking. Maybe elements of this theory can be incorporated with other ideas that are currently being debated, and a comprehensive policy that actually works could be created.