I know this could be a very 'HoT" subject and seeing where it is in the news every single day I just wanted to see some other opinions other than mine.
My first opinion is:
What part of Illegal is not understood? I see the Federal government is taking the State of Arizona to court because of their new law that takes effect the end of this month.
Again it is simple, Arizona is simply doing what our Federal government should be doing, enforcing the law. Protecting our borders
Let me ask you this:
What happens if you enter another country Illegally or undocumented?
My guess and past experience is you would be detained and either taken to jail or who know what else could happen. Maybe shot on site in some places!!
But not here, the illegal's and the criminals have rights. This is the part that confuses me. Re: The town in Nebraska that was passing a law not to rent, give jobs, etc to undocumented / illegal aliens.
Then check this out: So Damn Funny!!! the ACLU ( American Civil Liberties Union) jumps in and says they will sue the city and state for what is a violation of their civil rights... THERE WHAT???? CiVIL RIGHTS????
I thought we as American Citizens had civil rights, NOT Illegal's. WTF is up with this country.
We are the only country in the world when it is not required to carry your passport for identification. I have traveled all over the world, first thing they they ask for is your passport, for banking, hotels, using your credit card, buying a sim card for a cell phone and just about everything.
I once made the mistake of traveling to Moldova on a 30 day visa ( one time entry thru the airport, you get a visa there for $60) I left and upon returning I went by train thru Ukraine. I told the border people I needed a visa, but they insisted I did not because they saw my old one was still in effect date wise, but not notice it was not valid entry wise. ( I had only a 1 time entry) well it was a living hell. They, The Police" took my passport, I had to pay some flunky $800 USD cash (so he could pay his buddies some pennies to get my passport back and get out of there).
Look at what it cost us a tax paying Americans to have undocumented / illegal aliens in our country. They don't pay taxes, when they are sick or injured they go to the emergency room for what is mostly free health care because they cant pay, and yet in the end we have to pay more. they commit crimes, drive uninsured cars and then we have to pay more for our coverage because of those people. And the list goes on and on..
Again what part of "Illegal" is not understood?
Let me end this by saying this: I am Hispanic, born and raised in this country. I try my best and have done everything right as a citizen of this wonderful country we call home.
My wife is from another European country, but here legally, works, pays taxes and all that jazz.
We had to pay to file forms, and get visas and obtain an immigration attorney to have her come here legally. I am happy to say all worked out, it just took some time, about 1 year total to get a visa to come here. Thing is we did it the right way.
I have no problem with foreigners in our country, but they should do it the correct and legal way.
IMO: Obama should put armed military on the border, protect it with all we have, and if necessary take immediate decisive action if need be. If a few more were shot I think it would be a deterrent for the others. Nothing will happen until we get tougher as a nation.
Have a wonderful day