previous story on review was incorrect

I'd like to apologize to black Barbie for the lies I put on the rest of the story she is a class act and deserves better I really didn't know that this could be read by everybody because I'm new to this won't make that mistake again again sorry black Barbie
fletch's Avatar
wtf??...that really clears it up, thx.

so just because u didn't think anyone could read it u lied? not sure you get the point of the board.

u will be held accountable for what u write.
I feel bad for her! She deserved better from you!! When providers show you a good time the least you can do is be honest!!!! What a bunch of crap!!!!!!!
Crimson32's Avatar
I don't understand~ You come on apologizing about the ROS~ and after reading the RoS~ which lacked in detail and only had 4 lines of absolutely nothing} so was this encounter completely falsified and the entire review a fake?
bigtxhorseman's Avatar
You're gonna catch some hell for a bit....and you deserve it. But kudos for trying to make amends.
jbravo_123's Avatar
So someone posted lies trashing a provider then tries to backpedal when he finds out other people can read it?

Wow... for all sorts of reasons.

This was much funnier than reading the Comedy section! LOL
Restitution received
this makes no sense.....but just for grins, lets get creative and paint a picture of what might have happened:
  1. What if this is all just a clever marketing plan by Black Barbie or her pimp?
  2. What if during the session, barbie's pimp ran the OP's plates and upon seeing the critical comments, used that leverage to demand a retraction.
Duke of G's Avatar
The ROS is actually immaterial. Pretty much the entire review is in public. So what part, exactly, are lies? Are you admiting that you wrote a false review?

Or is the provider pressuring you to change your story? The RTMs would seem to indicate the latter.

Please help us clear this up. If you are writing fake reviews, (especially your first one) then you need to re-asses your participation here.

If you are are trying to publicly deny a legit review because a provider is contacting you and pressuring you, then the provider needs to realize that isn't how this works, either.
ManSlut's Avatar
You're gonna catch some hell for a bit....and you deserve it. But kudos for trying to make amends. Originally Posted by bigtxhorseman

Guys the OP is dealing with this about the only way it should be dealt with to minimize the damage to a sweet provider. Let's just leave the speculation out of his apology, especially BS about pimps. This guy made a HUGE mistake and is doing the only thing possible to amend his error. We all know EGOS cloud the ROS picture sometimes and his unamended version displayed exactly that due to a spectacular session he had...It only makes sense if you know the unamended version of the ROS, so leave all speculation out of it, enough said.

The Passionate ManSlut
Crimson32's Avatar

Guys the OP is dealing with this about the only way it should be dealt with to minimize the damage to a sweet provider. Let's just leave the speculation out of his apology, especially BS about pimps. This guy made a HUGE mistake and is doing the only thing possible to amend his error. We all know EGOS cloud the ROS picture sometimes and his unamended version displayed exactly that due to a spectacular session he had...It only makes sense if you know the unamended version of the ROS, so leave all speculation out of it, enough said.

The Passionate ManSlut Originally Posted by ManSlut
Everyone will speculate- damage has been done and soon all this will just be another thread that has been forgot. But.. Aren't you speculating that the Op actually lied and that the provider did not in anyway attempt at harassing the OP to change his review or else? It's cool if your sticking up for the lady but come on man- seriously. I hardly think she will be ruined because of this and I'm pretty damn sure the OP is fucked now and would never post a damn thing.
IMHO- the guy told a partial truth and I'm sure buttered it up little- he was so excited about writing a review and to get some great responses and a trophy for his accomplishment- and at the moment it back fired- Being new to the site- what do ya do man? Nothing wrong with the provider- shit if it was me I would have threatened every inch of his life for spilling secrets and it affected my damn business.
ManSlut's Avatar
I'm saying he's a Dumbass and a fool for what he wrote unamended. Barbie is so sweet & genuine she would never threaten anyone. She would be deeply hurt emotionally by his error, and this is the only reason the OP is doing this thread. He is protecting her personality and genuineness because she is a Keeper. Black Barbie is low-key and un-ghetto who didn't need his error to attract or distract business.
But this is all fantasies

The ROS is actually immaterial. Pretty much the entire review is in public. So what part, exactly, are lies? Are you admiting that you wrote a false review?

Or is the provider pressuring you to change your story? The RTMs would seem to indicate the latter.

Please help us clear this up. If you are writing fake reviews, (especially your first one) then you need to re-asses your participation here.

If you are are trying to publicly deny a legit review because a provider is contacting you and pressuring you, then the provider needs to realize that isn't how this works, either. Originally Posted by Duke of G
Well put