I got SCREWED !!! ....Hell, every heterosexual male on the Planet got SCREWED !!

ManSlut's Avatar
And the one who screwed me is the BIG CHEESE, the creator of ALL THIS !!...

I wanna sell my un-Greeklike body & talents to the Highest and Lowest attractive female bidders, but can't...Why? Because the CREATOR didn't give men the ability to fake being turned on or to fake an orgasm...Oh trust me, I wouldn't be a clockwatcher, but the best service I could offer, except to my first client each day, would be L1 & L2 and I feel L2 would be extremely dangerous several times a day....Do I have spectacular sex with SO's morning, noon, & night, at least 2 hours at a time, excluding the weekday morning & nooner sessions, Hell Yes I do thank you very much. Duh, I'm a giver not a taker.

I'll go out on a not so very far limb and say, "If the roles were reversed, this Hobby would be legal !!"...Why because Males wrote the book on GREED and we would market and oversell the shit out of it all in the name of the almighty dollar, so it would have to be legal.

I got screwed because I just wanna open the door, completely nude, to the next attractive Lady, and say "Hi Sweetie!!" knowing I really wanna say "Next"

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Randall Creed's Avatar
What if a lady wanted a freebie...and she was butt ugly??
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
It is legal in many many countries, remember.
Men couldn't do this simply because they are unable to treat unattractive women as nice as they treat attractive women. 80% of the clients are not outwardly attractive...and women are better equipped to deal with that situation.

Manslut, you're such an attention whore. Is this another one of your LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME, take mercy and grant me a mercy f$CK sympathy threads? Surely you can do better than this? And you don't even have any reviews to verify if the drive (gas) to your house would be worth my while! I won't fall for it ...

Trade in that silly red wig and Ronnie McDonnie costume for a Prince Charming costume and then go immediately to your nearest bookstore - pick up a copy of HOW TO BECOME THE MAN SHE NEEDS (a bestseller on both the QVC network and Ladies Home Journal List) ... Fabulous read! Raving reviews from Oprah, Hillary Clinton and Kate Gosselin. In fact, The View devoted an entire week to discuss the book. There's 4 chapters devoted to teaching men yoga techniques women love, including: bending your ears forward to muffle her constant nagging, contorting your body for her pleasure and much more!

I suspect once you read this, women will line up to sleep with you and your jealousy for the opposite sex will subside.

BTW, hurry ... Lifetime and the O Network has teamed up to make a 22 part mini series that debuts on Easter Sunday - that's just around the corner
melannie_star's Avatar
Miss priss you are too funny I would have to agree with you on this one!
Crimson32's Avatar
Men couldn't do this simply because they are unable to treat unattractive women as nice as they treat attractive women. Originally Posted by misspriss
Now MissPriss- don't get ahead of yourself! I find this horribly offensive! I'm going to let you in on a secret and I'm sure Ill get flamed for this: We treat all women alike {behind closed doors}- There is an age old saying from way back when- and Im talking way back before horse and buggy. That ugly girls are like Mopeds, they are fun until your friends catch you riding one. Guys can lower their standards much easier than you think, we do it all the time. We just deny deny deny. It's in the hand book-
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Speak for yourself Crimsom32 - Unfortunately I can't be the same way with attractive and unattractive women; However, attractiveness is relative and subjective; misspriss is right on this as it refers to me.
texasmarine's Avatar
Men couldn't do this simply because they are unable to treat unattractive women as nice as they treat attractive women. 80% of the clients are not outwardly attractive...and women are better equipped to deal with that situation. Originally Posted by misspriss
I love the brutal honesty, every time a guy makes a post asking the ladies to post their top 10 best looking clients I'm gonna point them to this post so they can change their request from top 10 to top 2.

No sarcasm intended...love it MissPriss!!

Attractiveness is subjective. I myself am considered attractive but I have never dated a man who is considered attractive. I'm the only girl I know that doesn't care about looks. Over 5'8, yes! Know the difference between their, they're and there ...a must! Anything else goes. I'm attracted to intellect, wit and confidence - anyone can have those traits and that's what I look for. Plus, meet an attractive person - fool around with them 8 times and it's all the same - they've got to keep your interest with their mind.

Men who treat all women equally and would help a 300lb woman/beauty pick up a heavy item at Costco make the world a better place. They say marry the woman you want your daughters to be and the man you want your son to be....N34. BINGO!!

Unfortunately, most men aren't that way. I spent half my life as the ugly duckling (thank God, builds character) and the other half not so ugly anymore. Life is different, men are kinder. In that, you all got screwed....being a woman rocks sometime
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Yes, attractiveness, intellect are treats and there subjective....
CoHorn's Avatar
Yes, attractiveness, intellect are treats and there subjective.... Originally Posted by luiz7667
*They are* or *they're*. ;-)
When men are young, they'll do anything with a vagina and a heartbeat. Seriously. I was young once. As we get older our tastes and preferences refine, and we suffer like everyone else from the media barrage of what we think we're supposed to find attractive. But that doesn't always work either. My Point: If guys will only have sex with fit attractive women and all the fat, ugly or fat AND ugly wimmin working through ECCIE were to vanish it would take a hell of a lot less time to perv the showcases. Or would it? What's fat? What's ugly?

There's a great old short story by Richard Brautigan titled "An Endless Supply of 35mm Film". I'd quote it here but would probably get busted. You can read the relevant 4 paragraphs here. Pretty insightful regarding this topic...

Crimson32's Avatar
When men are young, they'll do anything with a vagina and a heartbeat. Seriously. I was young once. As we get older our tastes and preferences refine, and we suffer like everyone else from the media barrage of what we think we're supposed to find attractive. But that doesn't always work either. My Point: If guys will only have sex with fit attractive women and all the fat, ugly or fat AND ugly wimmin working through ECCIE were to vanish it would take a hell of a lot less time to perv the showcases. Or would it? What's fat? What's ugly?

There's a great old short story by Richard Brautigan titled "An Endless Supply of 35mm Film". I'd quote it here but would probably get busted. You can read the relevant 4 paragraphs here. Pretty insightful regarding this topic...

http://balloontiedwrists.blogspot.co...eter-film.html Originally Posted by phildo
Nice read... Wished that I had his imagination...
There's a great old short story by Richard Brautigan titled "An Endless Supply of 35mm Film". I'd quote it here but would probably get busted. You can read the relevant 4 paragraphs here. Pretty insightful regarding this topic...

http://balloontiedwrists.blogspot.co...eter-film.html Originally Posted by phildo

In summation, a man starts out sleeping with any vagina that has a heartbeat attached. Then he moves on to marry Plain Jane. Then he hobbies for the Playboy Model? Interesting

The number #1 thing to attract a man is looks. To keep his interest, you have to have brains but what supersedes both and will keep him forever is respect. Men, even the idiots, value respect. Women should never change a man, let him be. If he does what the man in the above story does, so what. Be his loyal constant, he'll choose you even against a better looking woman.

When he gets charged with a DWI with a better looking woman in the passenger seat, it should be you that shows up to rescue him.

The convo should start like this: HOW DARE YOU! WAS IT WORTH IT? YOU NASTY PERVERTED SOB....blah blah blah

Actually, the guy in the story doesn't shag anybody else, he simply records all the beautiful women he sees with his "endless supply of 35mm film" (his memory) and takes them home to his bedroom where he closes his eyes and has them all. Good way to stay outta trouble, and keep your memory sharp! Like Crimson said (paraphrased) hobbying is for those of us with less imagination...