New Photo; You Like The Style?

I decided to branch out during my Chicago tour and try a new photographer. I've recieved one teaser pic, with the rest to arrive soon. Do you like the style? It's a bit different then the rest of my photos in my portfolio, but maybe that's a good thing...

xoxo Sophie

I gotta tell you, I thought your previous photog was phenomenal. I haven't seem many done by him, but the ones I have seen are great. He captured both your physical and inner beauty. The one you posted here seems to be pretty one-sided.

All that I can say about your previous pics: they made a distinct impression one me and I remembered them as art. Don't think the one you posted here rises to that level.
John Bull's Avatar
I like the body and the surroundings but what did he do to your face? That looks really strange to me and I know you don't look like that.
I saw that, too, but I thought she was just holding a mask up.
John Bull's Avatar
That's what I thought at first. It may be. I'm sure she'll let us know. She is a beautiful woman. If it's a mask, it should be made more clear or it should go.
Thanks for the feedback so far. Yes, it is a metallic purple mask. Here's another version of the photo minus the mask...

xoxo Sophie

SlowHand49's Avatar
Your original showcase photos are nicely done . . . This new one is OK, but a notch or two below the quality of the others in terms of lighting and mood, IMHO . . . the subject is still very nice, however . . .
atlcomedy's Avatar
Thanks for the feedback so far. Yes, it is a metallic purple mask. Here's another version of the photo minus the mask...

xoxo Sophie

Originally Posted by SophieSimone
I don't think anyone is going to complain about that backside

but, yeah that mask or whatever wasn't real actually had me looking for an Adam's Apple...
atlcomedy's Avatar
Sorry for the second post but I want to share a more general thought on escort marketing and photos/presentation.

My post above was not meant to be crude or insulting, but my original reaction was, "OMG, what is that?"

It is one thing to be edgy or artistic with your pics. In fact I'm sure many (great) artist/photographers will encourage the edgy looks....remember the purpose of your book business...

Remember that men think with their penis...and when "it" sees something that makes "it" say "OMG, what is that?" it usually isn't them appreciating the artistic vision of the photographer....
mysterioso77's Avatar
Not a fan of the mask - would have been sexier if it had been one of those white, Phantom-of-the-Opera types. Looking at your showcase I think your original photographer did great work - my favorite is the one with your back to us while standing at the window holding the curtain. Also, love the irony of Tiger being on the television while another pic was taken.
By the way, mark me down for your October trip to Houston. Your eyes alone have entranced me. We'll just call that ass a bonus...
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Actually, the mask made it look to me like she was using a painting to give the illusion that she was facing a mirror. I had to look very closely to see that she was holding a mask over her face, and then it was obvious what she was really doing.

When I thought it was a painting, I thought that idea was quite clever. All in all, it seemed an artistic enough picture for me, but I'm not an art critic.


I'm not an art critic.


bcg Originally Posted by bluffcityguy
On the contrary. Everyone is a critic. They know what they like and don't like. Now whether that comports to what the hoity-toity art critics think is another story. Same as: I'm not a wine connoisseur...pretty pedestrian in my tastes, I think. But I know what I like. I don't buy because of the price or the reviews. I buy what I like. One man's art is another man's throwaway. [I think Jackson Pollack said that, but I'm not sure. LOL]
not a fan at all of the mask. the girl is beautiful and i think the mask does more harm than good. if anything and i'm not a photo expert, i'd eliminate the face portion and showcase the body, leaves at least room for the imagination lol
I also prefer the cropped version (sans mask). I think part of the issue with the mask is that it's too flesh-toned and the facial features are too realistic. I had to look twice too, and I don't even have a penis. I love the idea -- you show your lovely hair and you can see more of the front of your body, but keep your face hidden. I think the execution is just a little off.

Delicious derriere, btw.
LynetteMarie's Avatar
The mask concept is very cool but I am not sure how men will react to it (as mentioned via previous comments.)

I do like the cropped image w/o the mask and as I understand this is just a teaser so they will only keep getting better. Overall I think it's a lovely + sexy image!