Boozing with providers?

So, I've been lurking on the board here for quite a while trying to get a feel of how things work. I don't like to jump into these types of things without research. Better safe than sorry I guess you'd say. So I would definitely be considered a newbie as a hobbyist. Now, In the natural course of my life I've met more than my fair share of strippers that will go above and beyond, found a random BP provider at a club and used to frequent some "massage" parlors way back when I lived off westheimer in my mid 20's, but these days I pretty much stick to strip clubs. But that is really a gamble if you're looking for a little extra. I'll generally end up with a $300+ bar tab, $300-$400 in dances and nothing but glitter and that distinctive stripper smell to show for it. So I feel like my money could be better spent more directly. But, part of the appeal I find in strip clubs is the drinking and socializing with the girls. The bigger part of that being the drinking. Never a fan of a dancer sticking to water while I'm throwing back shots and beers. I find sobriety highly overrated. So what I guess I'd like to know is how do the providers feel about drinking in general as far as clients go, or even grabbing drinks beforehand with them and loosening up a bit? Is it frowned upon? Acceptable? Extra? I mean I can't actually remember the last time I had 100% sober sex, so I can't imagine I'd go into something like this sober. So I figure if it's a no no, some of you kind folks can prevent me from embarrassing myself in the future if I decide to delve in to the hobby 100%.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 03-07-2013, 05:23 PM
It is acceptable to some providers, it will cost extra with some of them as well. You could wind up out the same cash if you do this for a few hours.

Alternative option would be get drunk and just show up like that.
Since I'm not part of the 15-minute or HH club, I usually do extended sessions. Almost always, I bring either champagne or other mutually acceptable libation, and we both (all) slip and slurp.

You may have to find spot to sober up before drive, but providers I see all seem fond of drinking.
Good to hear Maestro. Doubt I'd need to find a place to sober up though. I'm a professional drunk. Seriously, it's my only hobby. Well, outside of gambling and making bad decisions. But they all seem to go hand in hand....
Wakeup's Avatar
I find sobriety highly overrated.

I mean I can't actually remember the last time I had 100% sober sex... Originally Posted by Haywire97
You sound amazing! Can't for the life of my figure out why you don't have every provider on the board jumping at the chance to hang out with you!

...some of you kind folks can prevent me from embarrassing myself in the future... Originally Posted by Haywire97
Too late...
  • BDD
  • 03-08-2013, 12:09 AM
Read her provider profile. First time in show up on time with what she says she likes in her profile. If it doesn't appeal to you bring something else for you.

The first time I was with my ATF she asked if she could have a second Bud Light. I told her I didn't bring them to be stingy. She laughed. It was an ice breaker that led to more coversation. Found out she likes a particular taste in champagne. Now's she spoiled. Prefers the good stuff.

After a session or two bring what you both like. Sometimes I suggest something I think she would like...a particular martini or wine or mojito...haven't gone wrong yet.

I haven't met a provider that doesn't drink. They may exist, but I haven't run across any. If they were uncomfortable with you as a hobbyist it might be different.

I did learn recently to not invite a provider to lunch and drinks off the clock before a first session. Bat shit crazy provider lady added me to tbe NBL. Hasn't hurt my hobbying least not yet...don't think it will in the future.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 03-08-2013, 12:30 AM
NBL only stops you from seeing bat shit crazy bitchs, so in a way it actually helps you out.

But you're right, once you meet you will know what a chick likes to get her ready. We all have a vice or two. The ladies do as well.
I would drink with a customer who was dpenfing on dances but girls get sloppy and not focused on what goal is, keep u happy, but I would be hot as hell when a guy bought a few rounds and "had to get home". At least hobbyist know we're a sure thing no booze required lol! I'll have a couple drinks or dinner with gentlemen for a lil sumthin makes it less mechanical too, build friendly report
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I haven't met a provider that doesn't drink. They may exist, but I haven't run across any. Originally Posted by BDD
I am one of the ones that actually does not drink I have never been one that needed to drink to become bold or loosen my inhibitions ... but I am perfectly fine with a gent bringing his favorite beer, wine or liquor ... I also have some beer and wine in my fridge at my incall just in case.
Oralist's Avatar
Miranda offers a tequila and soda before the activities.

Fancy offers some Jameson.

A little nip may help to lose the nervousness of a first encounter and relax both guy and lady a little.
Lea Madisson's Avatar
I will definitely have a glass of wine or two, or a drink out on a Dinner and Dessert date, but I do not like to get drunk on an appointment. First, I am a bad drunk. But, most importantly, I consider myself a professional who is good at offering pleasures to a man... and for me to concentrate on him and give him a great time, I need my senses about me!

So. let have a drink or two and enjoy the overall experience! I don't want my guy to get too drunk either... because I want him to remember me later! LOL


tbone77494's Avatar
For the amount of cash you said you dropped on dancers you can have a way better time and call all the shots - so to speak. Shoot, for $700 I will buy the booze, bartend for you, and have enough for 2 ladies so we all end up happy.
*Harley*'s Avatar
Call me anytime.
Clients have brought alcohol when they visit with me. It is always more fun to share a drink than to drink alone.
BarronVonEccie's Avatar
Be careful what you wish for dude.

Strippers are the clubs problem when they get shit faced drunk. A provider you take out drinking is your problem. I have had several times when they get drunk to the point of having to pull over every half mile for providers to up-chuck.

The worst was one who I am 99% sure did some illegal substanses mixed with wine. She had asked me to take her to dinner as she was visiting. She picked a restaurant fairly far and having to stop often sucked. She then decided she did not want to go back into her hotel. She wanted to FEEL BETTER first. I offered to take her to a minor or full ER. She said NO. I then said well how about we get you some vitamin water and toast --- NO. She then decided it was my fault for getting her durnk... I called bullshit as she only had 3 glasses of wine... she said she had 3 before we left.. that was not on me. She kept protesting and finally just passed out. I had to get her inside so I did a fireman's carry through the lobby of the hotel. Got her in her room put her in the shower to wake her up to drink water to help avoid alcohol poisoning. I then put her in bed with a bottle of water in one hand and the trash can next to her other.

I am now much more selective of who I go drinking with as I don't want to repeat this sittuation and am too nice to just dump a lady in distress.