Kandice aka BP Cashmere “ur on my time I’m not on yours” 3 time no show

Current ads for Ca$hmere can be found on BP and Fort Worth Weekly: http://northeasttexas.backpage.com/F...ls-22/20575890 and http://fortworth.fwweekly.com/Female...ls-22/20575890

She uses the number 720-508-9924 and is on here as Kandice with 3 good non-GFE reviews: http://www.eccie.net/member.php?u=164717

I’ve been seeing ads for Kandice aka Cashmere and had read her reviews here so I wanted to meet her. I thought her pictures were great.

As I was about to get off work on Sunday I sent a text to her at 5:23 to see if she would be available. She responded right away and said she would be at 8:00 in Arlington. I asked if there was an earlier time available but she said no.

At 5:34 I asked her to tell me her rate since her ads don’t give a rate and say to ask about specials. She did not answer the question. I think this should have been a red flag.

Since she stopped replying and I didn’t want to be pushy I waited until 7:19 and tried again sending “?”. Still no reply from her.

8:00 came and went. I was disappointed that she stood me up but I still wanted to try to see her.

At 8:41 I sent another message asking if she was still going to be available. Still no reply from her. I kept waiting because I liked her pictures and reviews and still wanted to try to meet up.

At 10:25 decided to ask one more time if she was going to be available before trying to book with someone else. I had a plan b girl in mind but I wanted to see her if I could. This time she responded in 2 minutes and said yes. I asked how soon and she said “midnight”. Even though it’s 4 hours past when we were going to originally meet I tell her that midnight is cool.

At 10:52 I ask what part of town so I can plan ahead. No reply from her.

At 11:28 I send “?” because I’ve still not heard back. No reply from her.

At 11:49 I was in my car waiting to leave and send another message saying that I won’t be able to make it on time if she doesn’t tell me where to go. No reply from her.

12:00 came and went. I was disappointed that she stood me up AGAIN but I stupidly still wanted to try to see her.

At 12:09 I send another “?” but no reply from her.

At 12:49 I send the message “flake?” to see if she would ever bother to let me know why I got stood up twice. I thought that there might be some reason and that we could try a different day. One minute later she said no and that people had been taking her out all day. She claimed that day was a special occasion. She still wanted to see me that night and asked how late was too late for me. I reminded her that we were set for 8 then 12 and asked her to tell me how soon she could meet. Instead of telling me a time she made the excuse that she has a “reg life also” and that she doesn’t “fuck all day”.

At 12:58 I asked a second time what her rate for an hour was and mentioned the “specials” she mentioned to ask about and what time we could meet. She did not reply.

At 1:04 I also asked what part of town she was in.

At 1:12 she says 360 and Ave J. I asked if she was ready but no reply.

At 1:33 I ask if I should try to switch to my plan b. She replies right away and says “We will have to reschedule for tomorrow I am too drunk and in Dallas.”

I told her there was no way I was going to try to schedule with her the next day since she had already stood me up 3 times. I told her that I thought that this was a no call no show on her part after leading me on for hours with different appointment times. She responded by texting “No call no show?? U haven’t even given me money yet and ur on my time I’m not on urs”

Really?? Maybe she had a point there because I had been waiting around for over 6 hours at that point!

She goes on to tell me that she has been with her family for a special occasion and that they come first.

So apparently I’m supposed to believe that the reason she had told me she would see me and then blown me off 3 times and was currently too drunk to see me and she was still in Dallas and not even near her incall was all because she was spending quality time with her family while she had been setting these appointments with me. Riiiiiiiiight…

I don’t know why she seems to think that it’s only a no call no show if I somehow had paid her in advance. She acted like I didn’t understand the importance of spending time with family and special occasions. I do but I think that it’s unprofessional to lead someone on for hours about being able to meet up if there are more important things to take care of. I wonder what she would have thought about it if I had not shown up to see her 3 times in one night and then gave her the same excuse. I bet she wouldn’t be willing to try to schedule with me a fourth time the following day either if the tables were turned. It might be fun to see what would happen if a guy tried it but I doubt he’d even be able to the way she doesn’t seem to care about keeping appointments.

I waited to post this because I thought maybe she was really drunk the entire time she was texting me so I waited all day Monday to see if I would hear back from her once she was sober. I didn’t. I’m very disappointed and learned a hard lesson. I should have written her off sooner…
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
Whew, she is one hot Mama, I'll say that! I'm sorry you couldnt catch up with her, i wonder if that is really her in the pictures, if it is, looks like she may have a case of well deserved GPS lol!

My grandfather taught me that bad deals never get better, they only get worse. Perhaps he was envisioning the insanity of wasting gas and time chasing a BP girl who obviously has you low on her priorities list. My guess is the session would have been pretty tepid, had it ever taken place. Be glad you still have your money.
Crimson32's Avatar
Wow.... Maybe she was busy but after receiving an ass load of "can I see you" messages she tripped the fuck out and hid in her closet all night.. I understand your frustration~ and it was wrong on her part to feed in. But Good God! I'm surprised you even got the point after she said to reschedule, this was your own damn fault you didn't get the point long before 8.
Hobbyman's Avatar
The pictures she has posted are definitely her. They are a little old but the truth is she looks better now than in the pics. Communication with her can be sketchy at times. I would never spend that much time trying to set up a session. At the first sign of trouble move on. There are lots of other choices available.
Hobbyman's Avatar
Mya, from the look of your pics no one is more deserving a case of GPS than you.
I know her and see her often. Maybe she was still recovering Sunday from our meeting Sat night. Those pics are indeed her and I also think she is hotter in person. But I also have problems getting her to reply and I am a regular! She is all natural, top notch and a great time, if you can hook up. And there is no GPS. Her rates are within the normal range for DFW. I wont say what they are as that is her business to post.

That said, she should have communicated better. A simple "I cannot make it toninght" or "I am not sure what time I will be available tonight due to prior commentments'" would have at least let you know so you could decide what to do. Even a "Your stalking me. Fuck off" would have been better than nothing The fact she is on here but still has not built a showcase is a clue she may not (does not) have the best TCB skills. Real life does happen but 15 seconds to text an update is not too much too ask. If that is not possbile, a follow up message the next day to appoligize would at least be a point in her favor.

On another note, IMHO you sent way too many messages. A couple of attempts to get her to respond and thats enough. After that, its her responsibilty to get back to you. I know several ladies who would have stopped responding just because of the number of messages. That in no way excuses her behavior but it is something for you to consider.

I would move on myself. But, if you do want to see her still, I would give her one shot at making it up to you. Send her one message and let it go at that.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Maybe its me, but if you really texted the way you said you did would have sent me running for the hills.

It's got creepy written all over it.

But I was told you LIKE being texed every 5 minutes with pictures of my penis attached. Maybe thats why you never respond!!!

I was trying to be polite but that is what I was thinking as well. A bit obsessive. I still think she could have done a better job of communicating though.

Maybe its me, but if you really texted the way you said you did would have sent me running for the hills.

It's got creepy written all over it.

Sorry..... Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
dude, there are WAY too many fish in the sea to be puttin up with that bullshit!
Sleepy363's Avatar
It sounds like you never had appointments set with her. If you don't get a confirmation and a set place to be at that time, then it's not an appointment, so not really a "no show". It's shitty business and horrible TCB skills, but not a no show.
It sounds like you never had appointments set with her. If you don't get a confirmation and a set place to be at that time, then it's not an appointment, so not really a "no show". It's shitty business and horrible TCB skills, but not a no show. Originally Posted by still-asleep
Ok true she didn't give me an exact address but she confirmed at first that she was in arlington and gave me the times. Am I missing something? I always consider a general location and agreeing on a time as an appointment. I agree you could argue that the last one wasn't a set time but she was dragging it out like she would still see me which kept me from setting up something else. I could have at least gone to a club for a beer and some dances!
Wow.... Maybe she was busy but after receiving an ass load of "can I see you" messages she tripped the fuck out and hid in her closet all night.. I understand your frustration~ and it was wrong on her part to feed in. But Good God! I'm surprised you even got the point after she said to reschedule, this was your own damn fault you didn't get the point long before 8. Originally Posted by Crimson32
Good point but she sent me about as many texts as I sent her and kept replying so I don't see how she should have had a problem with it. Don't you double check a few minutes before a scheduled appointment too?

I learned a hard lesson and should have just moved on. Hopefully other people will learn from her mistake.

And no I have still not heard back from her but after her "ur on my time I'm not on yours" attitude I can't say that I want to meet her. I don't think it would be a good time.
I know her and see her often. Maybe she was still recovering Sunday from our meeting Sat night. Those pics are indeed her and I also think she is hotter in person. But I also have problems getting her to reply and I am a regular! She is all natural, top notch and a great time, if you can hook up. And there is no GPS. Her rates are within the normal range for DFW. I wont say what they are as that is her business to post.

That said, she should have communicated better. A simple "I cannot make it toninght" or "I am not sure what time I will be available tonight due to prior commentments'" would have at least let you know so you could decide what to do. Even a "Your stalking me. Fuck off" would have been better than nothing The fact she is on here but still has not built a showcase is a clue she may not (does not) have the best TCB skills. Real life does happen but 15 seconds to text an update is not too much too ask. If that is not possbile, a follow up message the next day to appoligize would at least be a point in her favor.

On another note, IMHO you sent way too many messages. A couple of attempts to get her to respond and thats enough. After that, its her responsibilty to get back to you. I know several ladies who would have stopped responding just because of the number of messages. That in no way excuses her behavior but it is something for you to consider.

I would move on myself. But, if you do want to see her still, I would give her one shot at making it up to you. Send her one message and let it go at that. Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing

Good advice.

I had a time when I had an appointment set with a time and general location and then I didn't hear back from the girl. When the time arrived and I had not heard back I set something else up. Just as I did the girl called me to give exact location but I had already switched to plan b. She was pissed at me for not still seeing her... Either way I'm not screwed.

I'm glad you had a good time with her. Maybe she was too worn out after seeing you but on the other hand at the end she came right out and said straight up that she was too drunk to keep our appointment.
Whew, she is one hot Mama, I'll say that! I'm sorry you couldnt catch up with her, i wonder if that is really her in the pictures, if it is, looks like she may have a case of well deserved GPS lol!

j/k Originally Posted by Mya Michelle
She might think it's platinum with diamonds after that

I think I should have waited to see you instead anyway Mya