San Antonio Procrastinator's St. Patrick's Day Happy Hour Monday March 18

ck1942's Avatar
NOTE - Event is MONDAY March 18

Where's your GREEN!

Procrastinators' St. Patrick's Day Happy Hour

MONDAY, March 18
4:30 pm to 8:00 pm

If you were among the nearly 100 (individuals) attending the past four or five San Antonio Happy Hours or Lunches, you know how much FUN these events can be.

If you missed them, take this opportunity to mingle with well-vouched hobbyists and providers.

Please remind any provider or gent you hope to see there to check their mail for their invite or have them contact me directly.

Vouching for this event will close at noon Sunday, March 17.

PM me for details.

Invites go out soon.
dbeartx's Avatar
Looking forward to it!
Im liking the variety of the socials!!
I would wear green panties, but i hardly wear panties
levi tab's Avatar

Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 03-14-2013, 01:28 AM

Looking forward to it!
italia's Avatar
i always say i am going and havent been able to.... BUT DUE TO THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF ME SAYING I WAS GOING TO RETIRE LMAO

I will be at this last one bwahahahahahaha and then maybe after the get together i will no longer be in retirement ;-)

see ya there ;-)
hope to see you there italia.....
mwsatx's Avatar
i always say i am going and havent been able to.... BUT DUE TO THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF ME SAYING I WAS GOING TO RETIRE LMAO

I will be at this last one bwahahahahahaha and then maybe after the get together i will no longer be in retirement ;-)

see ya there ;-) Originally Posted by italia
Unfortunately I will miss this one due to being in Turks and Caicos for the week. Oh the misery!
HAHAHA Don't be hatin!
bigjimt52's Avatar
see yall there....
Well , it looks like I will be able to go because I now have a ride.
levi tab's Avatar
What if I'm not wearing green...
sa_rushfan's Avatar
LOL - damn, I was wondering where all the ladies were this evening...damn - my loss!
I'm green with envy that I can't be there tonight. "Party on, Wayne!"
Booooo I have a final Im finishing today I wanna know when the next one comes around! Re add me to the list!