Curious Account...

TechOne's Avatar
How'd this get VP status?
I want to see her. She looks very hot. Even from space,
tomato/ tomatoe
potato/ potatoe
Lazrback's Avatar
Interesting,, I will ask around, but I have a feeling this is a test profile set up by the propeller heads.
As long as we're on the subject of curious accounts, what is this?

This member has premium access, reviews providers & states he is male, but when you click the review links, it leads to reviews written about this member as though they are a provider.

Here's a review he? she? has just written about another provider:

They've also got both "My Eccie Reviews" (provider) and "Reviews" links (hobbyist) beneath their avatar. How weird!

Well if you look at the one post for that first username it says "test" so I think it's obvious that was set up by board admins for some reason.

The one ginger brought up "Kira" evidently has some reviews of a provider named Kira mistakenly attached to his handle as the subject is brought up in one of the reviews he wrote. Apparently it never got fixed.
Well, that makes sense.

I was starting to feel a little resentful about not having premium access, too. Lol
Lazrback's Avatar
BadBunny had the same problem,,, he got 6 reviews before he noticed them,,,,