Our hat's off

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New Release Book

Newest book release is Keeper of the Peace written as a graphic novel about Retired Officer Nate Murray, a San Antonio police officer, who was shot in the line of duty at the Denny's shootout in 2003. Author is Sherry Womble, illustrated by Rebekah Campbell.

San Antonio faced a dark hour in 2003 when four San Antonio Police Officers were gunned down at a local Denny’s Restaurant. It was a truly heroic night revealing God’s mercy and justice as good won over evil.
One of the officers shot that day was Officer Nathan Murray. This graphic novel is based on his life story demonstrating the war that is fought every day over the saints to derail the blessings God has intended for His people.

Nate’s story demonstrates the power of a praying mother and how God Almighty stretched out His right arm to save Nate from physical death not just once but three times. In the end, Nate realizes that peace and fulfillment can only come from the true Keeper of the Peace. . . .
The releasing of this book is this weekend. A Board Member & dear friend of the Retired Rabbit Sanctuary was the young man {Buford Allen} that held Officer Murray's face together while bullets were still flying and until EMS arrived. Nate has been an inspiration and we all should tip our hat to him. You can also join the party at Fuddrucker at IH10 & Warsbach 4pm-6pm this Sat March 16, 2013. Let's buy him a drink for his courage.

Cheers to Nate Murray

Also see The Retired Rabbit Sanctuary featured on Texas Country
Reporter, nationwide this weekend, March 16 & 17, 2013.
Your avatar says it all.
Wtf is with the bible thumper crowd in the turd box these days?

Not intended to be a slam on the OP. Just an observation.
LexusLover's Avatar
Your avatar says it all.
Wtf is with the bible thumper crowd in the turd box these days?

Not intended to be a slam on the OP. Just an observation. Originally Posted by UB9IB6
Sounds like there is "good work" to be done here!
Thats cray cray.