Can anyone suggest a way for a lady with a prostitution conviction to get a real world job? Is there ANY job out there that doesn't require a background check that would turn up a conviction in Texas?
Jobs are in short supply for wonderful people in all fields today. There are folks with Masters/PhD's who are having a hard time finding work, so any criminal record is a huge hit against you. Still, she should be able to get some sort of job (cleaning services, waiting tables, etc.) if she's motivated enough. It's only a Class B Misdemeanor (assuming it's her first), so she could hire an attorney to seal her record under Ch. 411 of the Government Code.
The thing is though, it NEVER goes away from a Federal background check so if she has a final conviction, it will show up if the employer does enough looking. Still, a lot of people simply use the DPS/State level check and with an order of nondisclosure, it shouldn't pop up.
I would add that if you're a provider who has faced this situation and don't want to say so publicly, please PM me if you have a suggestion that worked for you. And keep in mind that the P in PM stands for PRIVATE.