Can we clear the air about the “week-end” line up rules?

Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I know posting is allowed Thursday thru Sunday. I assumed from 12:01am Thursday morning till 11:59pm Sunday night .... Is that correct?

I have noticed a lot of ladies posting during the times that are not mentioned above.

Someone posts during the time they were not suppose to, her post is not removed, she gets no warning & no points are issued …. so the next one does it, and the next one does it & the next one does it.

I think ladies need to pay better attention to the rules and I think the Mod’s need to be more strict in enforcing them.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 07-07-2010, 12:00 PM
Brooke I was told in a pm that its ends at 9pm
paragraph 5
That is true......if we don't catch them then sending a pm to a mod usually gets it corrected. Or posting in this area helps..
Terminator69's Avatar
I did notice the race to be the last one posting an ad that sounds weird but the last ad will stay up first for a whole week, so very smart Brooke.

I saw this post comming after the the other two ladies post ads after yours, great marketing campaing.

You go girl fight for your rights!!!!!!!!
Terminator69's Avatar
So what was the final answer to this question?
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 07-15-2010, 08:20 AM
That is true......if we don't catch them then sending a pm to a mod usually gets it corrected. Or posting in this area helps.. Originally Posted by SOULMANIKE
Thanks for clearing that up now all of ladies know that the DEAD LINE Is at 9 pm Sunday evening. I myself was thinking it was midnight on Sunday
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Thanks for the info
dearhunter's Avatar
The 9pm rush
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I'll be putting my week-end ad up soon, so no 9pm rush for me this week. Maybe next week I'll aim for 8:59pm.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
I'll be putting my week-end ad up soon, so no 9pm rush for me this week. Maybe next week I'll aim for 8:59pm. Originally Posted by Brooke Wild

Baby steps, girl. Let's just concentrate on making it through the day...Okay? The weeks will time, trust me. But for now, baby steps. Just keep your eye on the prize and keep reminding yourself each minute that we can get through *without getting banned* is another minute closer to your "next week's goal".

Look at me. You can do it.

Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I have a feeling this getting "banned" thing is going to haunt me longer then Subway!
SofaKingFun's Avatar
It's just 'cuz we care, hun.


DarthMaul's Avatar
The Weekend Lineup forums are open from Thursday 6am to Sunday 9pm. You may place your post in those forums anytime within that window. You are free to use images within both the Provider Ad forums and also The Weekend Lineup.

"That's my final answer.."