About that $100,000 a year White House dog walker

Who was it posted this bullshit up? Had to be COG, right? Michelle Bachmann, another person who never lets facts bother her, picked this up and ran with it at CPAC.

Now....Some truth from people who have dug into the facts. You remember "facts" don't you silly old man?

>>>>The dog walker is the silliest claim. This refers to Dale Haney, the White House groundskeeper. Gray includes in his source list an Associated Press article on Haney, which states:
“Haney is often spotted walking Bo, the Obama family’s Portuguese water dog. In fact, he’s tended to every White House pup since King Timahoe, Richard Nixon’s Irish setter. . . . Before Bo came along to romp on the South Lawn and roam the White House hallways, Haney spent a lot of time walking and playing with President George W. Bush’s Scottish terriers, Barney and Miss Beazley. Haney was most fond of Spot, an English springer spaniel whose mother, Millie, belonged to Bush’s father, President George H.W. Bush.”
In other words, the White House groundskeeper — whose main job is caring for more than 18 acres of lawns, trees and gardens — happens to like dogs and has been doing this for every president since 1972.<<<<<

Here's the rest of the article, which pretty much factually debunks the idea that Obama gets anything more than any other president in terms of "perks".

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-20-2013, 03:59 PM
its only fair to let the guy who cares for the lawn decide where to let the dogs crap.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You know what you call it when you post a factual article and then misrepresent what it says ...


Unaliar got caught again! That comes as a tremendous shock!

You can't be telling me that COF, Barley for Brains and the other haters here LIED to make Obama look bad, can you?


It is what they do day in and day out without apology or redaction. They aren't even embarrassed when
they are caught lying and then called out for refusing to correct their lies!
chefnerd's Avatar

You can't be telling me that COF, Barley for Brains and the other haters here LIED to make Obama look bad, can you?


It is what they do day in and day out without apology or redaction. They aren't even embarrassed when
they are caught lying and then called out for refusing to correct their lies! [/COLOR][/SIZE] Originally Posted by Little Stevie
It's their favorite pastime and obsession. Although, since Obama is a politician, I definitely take all statements with one to many grains of salt.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The point of the post was not to complain about the Obama dog walker, you mindless morons. It was to show the hypocrisy of the Obama administration in their allocation of sequester cuts. Sure, cut out White House tours, air traffic controllers for small airports, the WH Easter Egg hunt, and other things, but when it comes to Obama's perks and lavish lifestyle, there are no cuts.

I know they need a groundskeeper, who may walk the dog, but seriously, at the expense of other programs that may need the money more? I'd like to see the entire budget cut at least by 30%, if not more, but let's start with the least essential. Overtime for walking the dog should be the first to go.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Mindless morons?. Mirthful, meandering, merrymaking mongers?

Whining, whimpering wuss!
Boltfan's Avatar
Can't the secret service go honk a horn in front of a DC Home Depot and get all the grounds keepers they need for $40 a head and a meat sandwich for lunch?
chefnerd's Avatar
Probably, but heaven forbid the Federal Government should do something like maybe violate a law?
Yes, I am certain that all of your lying, misleading posts have some deeper meaning.

You threw up a post implying that the government was paying somebody $100,000 a year to walk Obama's dog. That's an outright lie and misrepresentation. You're busted on it. Admit it, apologize and we'll move on to your next lying sack of shit post. And, so on.

The point of the post was not to complain about the Obama dog walker, you mindless morons. It was to show the hypocrisy of the Obama administration in their allocation of sequester cuts. Sure, cut out White House tours, air traffic controllers for small airports, the WH Easter Egg hunt, and other things, but when it comes to Obama's perks and lavish lifestyle, there are no cuts.

I know they need a groundskeeper, who may walk the dog, but seriously, at the expense of other programs that may need the money more? I'd like to see the entire budget cut at least by 30%, if not more, but let's start with the least essential. Overtime for walking the dog should be the first to go. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 03-21-2013, 02:31 PM
Overtime for walking the dog should be the first to go. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You just can't help yourself.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-21-2013, 02:36 PM
You just can't help yourself. Originally Posted by Doove

COF naturally assumes its overtime even though the job is paid by a salary.
TexTushHog's Avatar
The point of the post was not to complain about the Obama dog walker, you mindless morons. It was to show the hypocrisy of the Obama administration in their allocation of sequester cuts. Sure, cut out White House tours, air traffic controllers for small airports, the WH Easter Egg hunt, and other things, but when it comes to Obama's perks and lavish lifestyle, there are no cuts.

I know they need a groundskeeper, who may walk the dog, but seriously, at the expense of other programs that may need the money more? I'd like to see the entire budget cut at least by 30%, if not more, but let's start with the least essential. Overtime for walking the dog should be the first to go. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The entire point to the sequester was to make across the board cuts so that each line item in the budget that was not exempt was cut the same amount. There's a line item for air traffic controllers, it gets cut. Same for ushers at the Whitehoue. Same for acquisition of each weapons system for which there is a line item. It was designed not to make sense so that it would maximize the pressure on the legislative and executive branches to negotiate a different solution. Given time, it may well do so. If not, let the chips fall where they may.
BigLouie's Avatar
I know they need a groundskeeper, who may walk the dog, but seriously, at the expense of other programs that may need the money more?...... Overtime for walking the dog should be the first to go. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Just another one of your short sighted threads that you can't bring yourself to admit was wrong. The man is responsible for 18 ACRES of lawns, trees, gardens and the like. I doubt if he is paid hourly with over time. So if he were to be let go who would take his place? Some one has to do the job. But you'r not going to comment on that. You just can't bring yourself to admit your original post was way off mark.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
This is my first post on this thread. Stevie is a liar and can blow me.