Why Jodi Arias should be found not guilty

PaulFinley's Avatar
It's doesn't matter that she panicked and fled. Any intelligent person who has killed in self defense with no witnesses should be distrustful of the law.

The prosecution has no theory of a motive. Her self-defense claims may be weak, but in the absence of any motive put forward by the prosecution her claim must be accepted. This is particularly the case since the burdon of proof in this kind of case is supposed to be high.

She has no prior history of violence or criminality.

A fair jury will find her not guilty.
shes guilty.. point blank.. if dhe wasnt she would have lied in the first place!!.. if im telling the truth my story is the same at all time no matter what.. if im guilty then the lies i told will change and soon i will for get the answer i already told you to cover somemore lies
Daddy Matt's Avatar
Exactly!!! Veronica, she's guilty as hell.
The Griffin's Avatar
Did you start this just to get a rise ? LOL If I'm a juror, based on what I've heard, she had no motive, but she does have a problem. The defense has fucked this up, I'd went for insanity. But since we're here, I could'n't believe anything she's said in her defense. Sound the like sex was the shit, good enough for her to keep going back, but, she ought to fry. I know if she was in Texas, it wouldn't take this long. it would have been like Steubenville, 3 days and over a weekend, done !!, This is a sad state of affiars, and I'm no chick, but, Jodi has a problem.
all I know is I want to bang her and Casey Anthony together!!! talk about exciting!!
40F Cougar's Avatar
She is a narcissus and probably a psychopath, but doesn't make her guilty. What made her guilty is her admitting it. She could have said I was there but didn't do it and he was alive when I left. But they showed a pic of him last night with reflection of 2 people in his eyes......
PaulFinley's Avatar
Did you start this just to get a rise ? LOL If I'm a juror, based on what I've heard, she had no motive, but she does have a problem. The defense has fucked this up, I'd went for insanity. But since we're here, I could'n't believe anything she's said in her defense. Sound the like sex was the shit, good enough for her to keep going back, but, she ought to fry. I know if she was in Texas, it wouldn't take this long. it would have been like Steubenville, 3 days and over a weekend, done !!, This is a sad state of affiars, and I'm no chick, but, Jodi has a problem. Originally Posted by The Griffin
Self defense is justifiable homicide. If the case were as strong as you think she would have pled to a lesser charge. The reason why there's a trial is because she has a credible defense and there are problems with the prosecution's case. Without some motive by the prosecution her self-defense motive will be persuasive to one or more jurors and she will be set free. She's another hot-blooded latina and any man fucks with these girls at their own risk. I'm always on the side of the sexy latinas. If she were in prison I'd write her and offer marriage and so forth. She's hott!
I agree that this was started to get a rise out of people or just in an effort to be facetious. I don't see how any sane person could find her not guilty. She shot the hell out of him, cut the hell out of him, etc. No way a reasonable person would think that was simply self-defense. That's just crazy talk. There's a trial because every person has a right to one, plain and simple. She's gonna fry.
PaulFinley's Avatar
I agree that this was started to get a rise out of people or just in an effort to be facetious. I don't see how any sane person could find her not guilty. She shot the hell out of him, cut the hell out of him, etc. No way a reasonable person would think that was simply self-defense. That's just crazy talk. There's a trial because every person has a right to one, plain and simple. She's gonna fry. Originally Posted by yunguyus
She killed him because he deserved it.

The law and juries recognize this.

Who are you to say to happened or that he didn't deserve to die? Where you there? Did you know the guy or her?

When she's acquitted what will you say then.

I love it when hot girls get even with the assholes who abuse them.

She's a hero.
Ya lets let another crazy ass women loose in our society..don't we have enough to worry about when with a women, now we have to worry that she will do a helter skelter on us... How is stabbing some one so many times self defense ?
PaulFinley's Avatar
Ya lets let another crazy ass women loose in our society..don't we have enough to worry about when with a women, now we have to worry that she will do a helter skelter on us... How is stabbing some one so many times self defense ? Originally Posted by Mata Leon
It's called rage.

If you knew anything about what abused women go through you would understand.

You're the kind of person who would have put a scarlett letter on a woman for infidelity or would stone her.

You're a judgemental a** with no understanding for what women go through.

I suspect you're afraid of women.

I would share a bed with Jodi anytime and would never feel threatened.

She's only a woman.
Are you stupid Paul or just one of those p***y wipped feminine type? If you read what I wrote , I said when is shooting some one and stabbing them 27 time, going to dinner and fucking a friend self defense? Just because your acting like the cowardly lion and are to afraid to voice your opinion in fear of the backlash, don't insult those that do... Either grow a pair and join in on the topic with some real ideas, or just sit back and let the real men talk... Either way ... I don't give a shit!!!
And if this matters, I used to teach rape and domestic abuse self defense classes for free for many years..., I think I understand women..