Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu apologized today to Turkey on Friday for an Israeli raid on a Gaza-bound flotilla. The apology is, of course, the handiwork of President Obama. Indeed, Netanyahu made the call during an airport meeting with Obama shortly before Obama mercifully left Israel.

The apology is a humiliation for Israel, which had nothing for which to be sorry. Netanyahu’s statement — which he wisely resisted making for three years — will not improve Israeli relations with Turkey. Relations are poor not because of the flotilla incident, but because Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan, a good friend of Obama’s, is an Israel-hating Islamist.

How much does Erdogan hate Israel? Daniel Pipes reminds us that last month, Erdogan stated: “Just like Zionism, anti-Semitism and fascism, Islamophobia must be regarded as a crime against humanity.” And three days ago, Erdogan stood by his claim that Zionism, the principle upon which Israel is founded, constitutes a crime against humanity.

If anyone should apologize, it is Erdogan — not just for his verbal attack on Zionism, but also for supporting the terrorists who undertook the Gaza flotilla . But instead, thanks to Obama, Erdogan is rewarded with an apology from Israel.

Erodgan/Turkey is the only winner from Obama’s trip to Israel. And he’s the only party Obama wanted to win, now that he has become disillusioned with the Palestinians.

TexTushHog's Avatar
Suits me. Why shouldn't he apologize?
LexusLover's Avatar
Erodgan/Turkey is the only winner from Obama’s trip to Israel. And he’s the only party Obama wanted to win, now that he has become disillusioned with the Palestinians. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Why are we caring what the Turks think?
TexTushHog's Avatar
Because they are our second best ally in the Islamic world? And our image in Islamic countries is in tatters after Bush screwed the pooch? And Idrael's long term survival requires Islamic allies?

Just a swinging wild ass guess.
LexusLover's Avatar
Because they are our second best ally in the Islamic world?

Just a swinging wild ass guess. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Ours or "theirs"?

So, that's why the Turks allowed us to move materiel and personnel across their country to establish the pincer from the North in the early going of the invasion of Iraq. I see.

We need lots of "allies" like that.
Suits me. Why shouldn't he apologize? Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Rule #1 never apologize to the enemy. Either avoid them or crush them.
Rule #1 never apologize to the enemy. Either avoid them or crush them. Originally Posted by acp5762
Turkey isn't Israel's enemy.

The two countries have had an unusually good relationship for years.

The Turks aren't Arabs and have a very secular government considering they are predominantly Muslim. So they have never had an axe to grind with Israel they way the Palestinians have.
Turkey isn't Israel's enemy.

The two countries have had an unusually good relationship for years.

The Turks aren't Arabs and have a very secular government considering they are predominantly Muslim. So they have never had an axe to grind with Israel they way the Palestinians have. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Yeah but it's going south.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
According to what I read, Israel and Turkey have normalized relations.

Whats wrong with that?

Score one for the GOOD GUYS!

If making peace and strengthening alliances is "humiliating" to you Whirlyturd, then, well, er, OF COURSE it's humiliating to you.

Im not sure you know what the fuck you want, except that you shit on Obama when you do it.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Sobriety does not seem to be agreeing with Trendaway, either. What a dilemma.
Of course you think apologizing for the wrong reasons is a good thing; you likely think we should apologize for 9-11 and "normalize" relations with the Islamist......btw, Obama's apology tour didn't work out so well.....he is now more disliked in the middle east than Bush.

The UN Report found that the Israeli blockade was legal...no need to apologize.

Let's revisit what actually happened:

On that Turkish flotilla as it tried to run the Israeli blockade, the the jihadi's cut open one IDF soldier’s belly and pulled out his intestines onto the deck.

No apology from Turkey? Gee, I wonder why not?


Of course you think apologizing for the wrong reasons is a good thing; you likely think we should apologize for 9-11 and "normalize" relations with the Islamist......btw, Obama's apology tour didn't work out so well. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Hey Whirly, Israel appears to be "Trending" Obama!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yeah we had excellent Islamic relations during the Clinton years too. Uh, I forget all of the attacks on us and the great intelligence that the administration steered us toward.
Yep we sure were appreciated under Clinton.
Yep we sure were appreciated under Clinton. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
I am sooooo looking forward to 2016 when Hillary will take us back to those glorious days of yesteryear!
TexTushHog's Avatar
Rule #1 never apologize to the enemy. Either avoid them or crush them. Originally Posted by acp5762
They're our ally, not our enemy. And Israel's closest ally in the Islamic world, probably.

I also really wonder what you dumbshits who think that we're at war with every Muslim on the planet really want. I can see why the Republican party at the national level with its military defense complex corporate masters might want eternal and unwinnable war, but why do you want that? Sure you understand that your illogical, xenophobic, and bigoted frothing at the mouth makes us less safe? Or are you dumb enough, and immoral enough, to think we can kill over a billion people just based on their religion?