Movie- Audition

I saw a movie last night called Audition. A woman tortures her lover by putting acupuncture needles in various areas of his body. Is there anyone here that has enjoyed this type of torture?

I have enjoyed acupuncture treatments for medical purposes but have never thought of using it on a submissive. Of course it would have to be the choice of my partner.
That movie is super intense!!!
X-rated-- I watched the movie not knowing what to expect. There was a part where I had to turn off the sound and look away because I thought I was going to vomit.

But yes the needle part was very intense.

Glad you responded, I was wondering if I was the only one who did not mind reading English subtitles. LOL!

I think I might have to take the plunge and watch Extremes.
Looked up the title in iMDB, and there was more than one film with that title. Was this made in 1999 in Japan?
It is a Japanese film and it was made in 1999.

I saw a movie last night called Audition. A woman tortures her lover by ... Originally Posted by mikkifine

Define "lover".

Updated - Holy shit! I just read a synopsis of that movie. I thought it was just some kinky S&M porn. Hell, no. It is a horror film about a crazy Japanese woman who does a whole lot more that just use acupuncture needles. She cuts off fingers, ears and feet and cuts out a tongue.

This turned you on?
ExNyer--Okay she tortured the guy that had sex with her. Sound better?

I think he lost that loving feeling when she..... I don't want to give away the movie. You will just have to see for yourself. LOL!
I am afraid my response to the synopsis I read is about like ExNYer.

I will ignore that end and try to bring the topic back to the original question about needle play. There have been some threads about needle play here, search NEEDLE in this forum. I believe these are two of the ones that I thought at the time were pretty good discussions.

I am going to suggest that engagement in this area of play requires some research, definite issues of blood borne pathogen transfer to contend with, and very high risk. Trust between partners is also a requirement.
I mentioned needle play. I never said anything about being turned on about body parts being cut off.

If you want to be ignorant then that is your prerogative but don't accuse me of something I am not.

I am going to be putting you on ignore now. Learn how to read.


Define "lover".

Updated - Holy shit! I just read a synopsis of that movie. I thought it was just some kinky S&M porn. Hell, no. It is a horror film about a crazy Japanese woman who does a whole lot more that just use acupuncture needles. She cuts off fingers, ears and feet and cuts out a tongue.

This turned you on? Originally Posted by ExNYer
Let's all remember the entire premise of this Forum. It is about alternative forms of play. Each of these forms of play won't be for everyone, but the coolest thing about this Forum that I have observed is the live and let live attitude of the participants.

I am sometimes amazed by what some people consider erotic and what some do not, but I respect everyone's right to choose and so should all here.

Tigercat, thank you for showing us that while this is not your thing (based on the synopsis of the movie) you were mature enough to state it without scorn and steer the thread back to the original topic as stated by the OP.

Remember, all of the topics here won't be for you, but this is the "Realm" and we should expect that and also respect the fact that others may appreciate what we don't. It take a lot of courage to present alternative topics and we wouldn't be here if we did not appreciate that courage. Let's not dampen our participants by making them feel like their topics are out of place.

Hey, I will be the first to admit that a lot of the discussions here, okay, most of the discussions here, go far beyond what I could find enjoyable. And I may often state that it is not my cup of tea. That said, I still think that for the most part, consenting ADULTS who fully understand what they are getting into should be free to explore their boundaries.

When I say it is not my cup of tea, that is not a knock on the topic or the members who are exploring the topic. If anything, it is a knock on myself for not being as adventure-seeking as some of you wild and crazy people are.

In conjunction with the needle play, not sure I see the appeal. However, I have never been to an acupuncturist (sp?) but I have some questions:

1. Would training in the area of acupuncture be a good entry into this area of play? I am thinking they would be trained in proper cleaning, proper handling, proper insertion, etc.

2. I kind of understand the premise behind acupuncture treatment. For those who have tried it, does it really work?

3. For those who have played with the needle fetishes, have you also done acupuncture? Did you see any relationship between the two? Is some of the enjoyment, some of the draw of the needle play really just a play on the pleasure/relief provided by acupuncture?

I have recently spent some time talking to an acquaintance who had tried cutting herself as a form of self-treatment for a long seated mental health issue. Her explanations of the why were pretty tough. I am definitely not able to explain or discuss them here, but it opened my eyes to what I will simply call an interesting issue.