If you want facts pick up a copy of Kent State by James Michener. The students out numbered the National Guardsmen who were armed with M-14 rifles loaded with armor piercing ammo. The students were aggressive and threatening (not an excuse you idiot, I'm to tell what happened) with rock throwing and taunting. The young guardsmen were in many cases nearly cut off from retreat. They wore no body armor so stones can damage and/or kill. In the last moments the guardsmen marched into a mass of students (many who were not members of the Kent State student body but traveling trouble makers) when the students surged against them. The officer in charge ordered them to reverse their course and in effect, retreat. I have read nothing that explains what happened next. The guardsmen stopped and someone turned around and fired. This was followed by more firing. Once the firing was done and four students lay dead the guard unit left the field. Was it shame from having to retreat, anger towards the students, or confusion from the noise and someone thought orders were given no one has really proven.
This is what supports Kayla; anytime you bring two groups together and one or more is armed then you have to be very mindful that this could be the result. It does not happen often in the US but has happened many times in other parts of the world.
I have suggested more than once that gun owners and supporters of gun rights march on DC but have always stated that it should be unarmed with strict control on the participants to guard against the radicals, drunks, and agent provocateurs. I have also recommended that all the para-military clothing stay in the RV. I haven't heard about this yet and Kayla did not post a link but it is a bad idea to go armed to DC. That is just playing into the hands of the administration and Justice Department.
This is from the Southern Poverty Law Center in 2009:
The self-identified leader of the Ohio Militia, a conspiracy-minded “Patriot” group, released a video earlier this week calling for 1 million heavily armed antigovernment demonstrators to march on Washington, D.C., this coming July 4.
Nope, no bias there is there?