What is wealth to you? What does "rich" mean?

In terms of assets? Liquid cash? Annual disposable income?

If you think of someone as wealthy, what number does that mean to you?

What number would cause you to think of yourself as rich, or wealthy?

I've known people who make half a million per year who think of themselves as part of the middle class.

I've known folks who made big windfalls (usually inheritance), but quickly spent it all.

I'm looking for more hard numbers than anything, but answer the question in any way you want, of course.
Rich means having enough money to hire Nina Sastri for a week-long vacation in the south of France without having to think twice.
No doubt about that.

I still don't know what number that means, though, lol. Does that mean having $1 mill in the bank? More? Does that mean making $500k per year? More?

I've found those numbers are all relative, but I still like hearing what different people's opinions are on what the number may be for them.
If you were to compare the assets of most Americans against the majority of the people in the world, we would all qualify as being wealthy. Hell, compared to my grandparents the amount of leisure time, material goods and readily available food is incredible. Sure, there are the upper crust with x amount in the bank, but if I am not worried about my next meal or my bank account being overdrawn, I feel like I am living the dream!

I always compare being in the US to being a citizen of the Roman Empire, both plusses and minuses. Not to make it a political thread, because that's not the intent. I also wonder which part epoch of the Roman Empire we're in, but that's never determined except in retrospect.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
I also wonder which part epoch of the Roman Empire we're in, but that's never determined except in retrospect. Originally Posted by proudoftexas
I'd place me bet on the Caligula/Nero era. Too bad there's no way to find out.
Well, live long enough.
I am not a source of record but I always can share an opinion LOL, but I would say wealthy and rich are the same. someone who has so much money, or assets, it would be tough for the them to even spend it all before they die.

Using the term wealthy to describe someone is a more polite, and technical term, and not denoting judgement. Using the term rich denotes a touch of envy, and can be used in a negative tone.
wealthy can mean having an abundance of resources. such as money, good health, love and happiness. free time/dom

living a rich life ^

as for numbers, everyone has their own number. there is no one correct best number

to someone making 36k is filthy rich because they have all their bills paid, money left to enjoy, and for other goals

you can find one of the happiest people in the financially poorest countries so they have wealth too

umm ...and I don't like having to think about numbers. I only think about what I strongly desire, want, need and if the Universe agrees it brings it to me. You don't think about How. That's the Universe's job

Idk always works for me. Must be doing it right. And yes I feel I am rich *blush* I wish the same for everyone

If I can bring more love into my life then I would feel pretty wealthy.
Guest010619's Avatar
If you have your health, you have everything.
Good question!
I think about this often.
As I mature, I realize that having peace of mind, being able to pay your bills, having enough money to travel a bit, indulge in some extras and be able to take care of your mind/body and spirit is wealth. I used to think I had to have tons of money in the bank, and yes, oh yes, a girl needs cash! But I have investment property which is my 401k, a very comfy place to live which doesn't break the bank, enough of a nest egg to carry me in case of emergency, and many good friends...and I am very healthy and fit.
THIS is wealth to me!
But hey, if you wann help me be even more comfortable, or take me on a great vacation,
dial, baby!!

I believe that being "Wealthy" means that you have permanent assets, investments, accounts, and property. Maybe your wealth is even entrusted in your family heritage.

Anyone can be rich, but a few can hold long lasting riches, and that's called wealth.
Bobster36's Avatar
To borrow from Chris Rock "Lebron is Rich. The guy that pays him is Wealthy"
Beau Derierre's Avatar
If you have your health, you have everything. Originally Posted by ugotme10
Health and wisdom is what it's all about!

“Without a rich heart, Wealth is an ugly beggar”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
I believe that being "Wealthy" means that you have permanent assets, investments, accounts, and property. Originally Posted by brownsugarbaby

Unfortunately none of that matters after you die.

Unless you're passing it on to the next generation...

So really everything you accomplish in life about serving others