I don't mind the spy trade...hell, last week the Russians said this was ridiculous, and these weren't spies...so the trade kinda makes me smile...I guess they really were spies.
As to those who peg the entire financial mess on Bush, and reflexively believe that things are somehow better under the present administration, notwithstanding near 10% unemployment...all I can say is: educate yourselves.
The roots of our financial crisis are numerous, but the biggest timber to fall was repeal of Glass-Steagall. This was done in 1997 I think. Am I blaming Clinton? Nope. It passed nearly unanimously in the senate (nothing good ever comes from a bill passed almost unanimously, IMHO). This was the start of the bubble....which ultimately led to the fall. Are subsequent congresses liable also...absolutely. Is Bush responsible for not identifying the problem and fixing it? Well, he identified it, but didn't have the stomach to fix it.
Every time I hear that Bush's de-regulation caused this, I know somebody out there has a learning opportunity. De-regulation did cause this...but Bush had nothing to do with it. Turn your sites on to the president and congress of 1997...don't just believe this is Bush's fault, because some politician told you (btw, most likely a politician who was in congress in 1997
). Be inquisitive enough to find out for yourself.
Is the current situation Obama's fault? Well, he certainly didn't cause this....but is the Stimulous plan working? Most say no. Even G20 leaders in Europe are trying to convince him to stop borrowing and spending. Philosophically, I differ with him...but time will tell. We are about to get treated to a committee report which says we should raise taxes. Obama won't take ownership of this, but will say 'its what the blue ribbon panel said to do'. I think this will damage the economy more, based purely on past history...but that's just my opinion. One can also look at California as a harbinger for what might happen throughout the entire nation, if we just keep raising taxes and spending.
I think what John Galt is trying to say is, people like me are not alone. More and more small business owners are souring on the current administration...and in just about every style of poll taken, he is losing popularity. Admittedly, the republican field looks slim right now, so I tend to fear he will be re-elected...but people are starting to realize that things are not as rosy as Obama keeps telling them...kinda like the emporer realizing that he isn't wearing clothes after all.