It takes a worried man to sing a worried song

john_galt's Avatar
Does anyone else feel any apprehension about our "trade" of 10 Russian spies for four spies, or allegations that the Justice Department is playing racial politics. Does anyone feel it in the pit of their stomach that NASA, once the pride of the US, is now part of a muslim outreach program. What about the underhanded recess appointment (don't say it, this guy has been in the shadows for months) of the new Czar of Medicare. A man on record that good healthcare requires income redistribution and is known a man who knows how to ration (I thought that was not going to happen) healthcare.
I heard Obama today say that Bush was responsible for 10 years of bad economics. Not 8, or 6, but 10 years. Nevermind that the dems took over Congress in 2006 and started writing budgets. Is this man-boy going to grow up and accept any responsibility? 10 years ago the unemployment rate was just over 4%, just two years ago it was 5%. Anyone want to swear off Kool Aid yet?
dirty dog's Avatar
For the most part the average American pays not attention to this stuff when it happens. Did you really expect that the Black Pathers case would see trial? But you know this stuff happens all the time. Since the elections have become a business, you will see more and more intimidation at the polls, on both sides, I am sure the next election we will have more Black Panthers and then I am sure there will be some Tea Party members out there two. First of all why would they intimidate you. How do they know how your going to vote. Healthcare is a done issue bro, no need to keep bringing it up, there is not stomach to repeal it, right or wrong its now part of America, you know the old saying right, dont ask for it you just might get it. Well, when the people get it, they will see how important one vote can be. He is going to use the Bush scapegoat for as long as the media lets him, or until the next election. Just how it is, this country has been robbing Peter to pay Paul for years, now the bill has come due.

But if you think that most americans give a shit about this, your dissillusioned, 25% of Americans could not tell who we gained our Independence from and why we celebrate the 4th. They thought it was a day just to shoot firecrackers and drink beer. If you cant get people interested in the real reason for the 4th of July, do you really think they care about the spy situation?
For the most part the average American pays not attention to this stuff when it happens. Did you really expect that the Black Pathers case would see trial? But you know this stuff happens all the time. Since the elections have become a business, you will see more and more intimidation at the polls, on both sides, I am sure the next election we will have more Black Panthers and then I am sure there will be some Tea Party members out there two. First of all why would they intimidate you. How do they know how your going to vote. Healthcare is a done issue bro, no need to keep bringing it up, there is not stomach to repeal it, right or wrong its now part of America, you know the old saying right, dont ask for it you just might get it. Well, when the people get it, they will see how important one vote can be. He is going to use the Bush scapegoat for as long as the media lets him, or until the next election. Just how it is, this country has been robbing Peter to pay Paul for years, now the bill has come due.

But if you think that most americans give a shit about this, your dissillusioned, 25% of Americans could not tell who we gained our Independence from and why we celebrate the 4th. They thought it was a day just to shoot firecrackers and drink beer. If you cant get people interested in the real reason for the 4th of July, do you really think they care about the spy situation? Originally Posted by dirty dog
Wow, again I agree with you DD. The level of apathy in the American public is outrageous. There is a small, yet very vocal, group on each side of the political spectrum trying to get their opinions out there for the benefit of those Americans who are not apathetic and who do participate in the electoral process (about 25%, on average).

You are probably right on the health care issue - if the Bamster is not voted out in 2012 and the GOP does not get a majority in the House and a close-to-filibuster-proof majority by 2012, it'll be a done deal. But there is a sliver of hope in that 65% of the public do not want this and if that majority holds true through 2012, it can be, but probably won't be, repealed.

As far as the other stuff goes, as long as it doesn't personally affect most Americans, I don't think they care. That's why I think healthcare repeal has a chance to work - it affects everyone, most negatively.
It is my joy that the small minority of "worriers" is so active especially in the GOP primaries. Then we get fringe candidates that in no way reflect the views of the public in general and you keep the seats where they should be.

Still over 180 nominations on secret hold or can't get them to the floor because of obstructionists. We need this guy now. Bush's last 2 Medicare heads have endorsed this guy so why not get him in place at a time when we need it most.

Remember John Bolton.....recess appointment who managed to piss everyone off and still working to get our respect back since he left UN.

For every Black Panther in Philly you can find more examples in South Carolina of manipulative and exploitive voter activity.

Frankly I sure don't want to go back to the way it was pre Obama. Rife with abuse due to lack of regulation and greed. People gambled with my savings and it cost me 30%.

Keep fussin, keep yelling as loud as you can, pack your guns so the bad guys don't getcha, keep being individually self centered and you will always be a fringe minority. Or you could join the rest of the world and accept progress?

Here is something that I will accept. No one knows what kind of Presidency that GWB would have had without 9/11. He was business oriented, professional CEO trained(he did trade Sammy Sosa), and was a manager type leader. I think he planned on managing a robust economy and doing his 8 years. The best laid plans of mice and men oft go astray.He never got the chance to be what he envisioned. After 9/11 Cheney took over and influenced where we ended up.

Athe same time Obama is likely not getting to manage what he envisioned either. All Presidents are "victims" of the circumstances given to them. Who really wanted to do bail outs and stimulus packages? What would have happened if they did not act? Bush and Obama both did what was necessary and as free marketer it must have really hurt Bush emotionally but he had no choice in the matter.

Ease up dudes, chill, look at some big titties and let it roll.
dirty dog's Avatar
"Here is something that I will accept. No one knows what kind of Presidency that GWB would have had without 9/11. He was business oriented, professional CEO trained(he did trade Sammy Sosa), and was a manager type leader. I think he planned on managing a robust economy and doing his 8 years. The best laid plans of mice and men oft go astray.He never got the chance to be what he envisioned. After 9/11 Cheney took over and influenced where we ended up."

I agree with this statement 100%. I have been doing some thinking about the spy situation and really what has Obama done wrong, what was the benefit of taking all the Russian spys to trial. They go to jail and we support them, does Russia stop sending spys here, NO!. So what was to be gained, so trading them for 4 convicted Americans sitting in Prison in Russia because they were doing their job for the US government is a fair trade to me seeing that there was nothing to be gained any other way.

Lastly, Cat about the Black Panthers, was their intimidation down south as you state, I dont know never saw a you tube video of it, I did see one of the Panthers, neither is right, but if you caught you pay the price. All politians did what Nixon did, difference, Nixon got caught. They got caught, there are laws against this and it should be stopped on both sides.
john_galt's Avatar
I guess you didn't recognize the line from the song...

Even basketball players are starting to worry about their taxes.
The Jews are starting to worry about their ancestral homelands.
The Hispanics are starting to worry that promises will never be kept
Blacks are starting to worry that they will always have high unemployment
Small business owers are starting to worry that they will be sacrificed on the alter of Obamaism.
You tell me (since you are so joyful) who is not worried besides Alfred E. Neuman?
I don't mind the spy trade...hell, last week the Russians said this was ridiculous, and these weren't the trade kinda makes me smile...I guess they really were spies.

As to those who peg the entire financial mess on Bush, and reflexively believe that things are somehow better under the present administration, notwithstanding near 10% unemployment...all I can say is: educate yourselves.

The roots of our financial crisis are numerous, but the biggest timber to fall was repeal of Glass-Steagall. This was done in 1997 I think. Am I blaming Clinton? Nope. It passed nearly unanimously in the senate (nothing good ever comes from a bill passed almost unanimously, IMHO). This was the start of the bubble....which ultimately led to the fall. Are subsequent congresses liable also...absolutely. Is Bush responsible for not identifying the problem and fixing it? Well, he identified it, but didn't have the stomach to fix it.

Every time I hear that Bush's de-regulation caused this, I know somebody out there has a learning opportunity. De-regulation did cause this...but Bush had nothing to do with it. Turn your sites on to the president and congress of 1997...don't just believe this is Bush's fault, because some politician told you (btw, most likely a politician who was in congress in 1997 ). Be inquisitive enough to find out for yourself.

Is the current situation Obama's fault? Well, he certainly didn't cause this....but is the Stimulous plan working? Most say no. Even G20 leaders in Europe are trying to convince him to stop borrowing and spending. Philosophically, I differ with him...but time will tell. We are about to get treated to a committee report which says we should raise taxes. Obama won't take ownership of this, but will say 'its what the blue ribbon panel said to do'. I think this will damage the economy more, based purely on past history...but that's just my opinion. One can also look at California as a harbinger for what might happen throughout the entire nation, if we just keep raising taxes and spending.

I think what John Galt is trying to say is, people like me are not alone. More and more small business owners are souring on the current administration...and in just about every style of poll taken, he is losing popularity. Admittedly, the republican field looks slim right now, so I tend to fear he will be re-elected...but people are starting to realize that things are not as rosy as Obama keeps telling them...kinda like the emporer realizing that he isn't wearing clothes after all.
I am familiar with the Kingston Trio.

Hang down your head Tom Dooley.

Look you can either curl up in the corner, whine about things you can't control, complain about your views that are held by the very few, and lead a miserable life.

In the short run time is an ememy but if you give things time then they fade and are less important. Sun Tzu knew when to deploy and when not to deploy and save his resources. Hip shooters see everyting in terms of immediacy and demand action and drain resources.

I prefer to see things in a more positive light. Enjoy a dirty grey goose with blue cheese olives, a good steak, some pretty titties, funny, smart women when available and to find my own way.

I pity you and your worries, sorrow and helplessness.

Too many years in the Galley weilding a spatula can do that to you.
I am a small businessman and have been for many years. I am not upset nor am I worried long term about the situation. Short term a little but good sound management will always bring you through if you practice good sound business fundamentals.

Good service, fair price, and always do what you say. Ask people to do things not just tell them and treat them like you would like to be treated. Empower them if you trust them and say thanks once in a while.
dirty dog's Avatar
Never liked Alfred E. myself. I keep hearing about this mad base out here that are going to turn the 2010 election on the heads and will sweep Obama out of office, the polls show that when obama is pitted against an unknown candidate he loses. But when he is pitted against all of the known GOP possible candidates he wins. If the GOP is counting on this anger to sweep them into office, I think they are going to be very sorry. Myself, I have seen enough of our President that I will not vote for him unless the GOP puts up the usual suspects, Romney, Palin, Brownback, Perry, Bush (Jeb), you know the bunch, if this is who they run, they are going to lose IMHO. Its going to depend on who they run, and it needs to be someone that is not far right conservative, it needs to be a moderate leaning conservative if you want to attact the Independent vote, the GOP has lost the Hispanic vote, so they desperately need the Independent vote.
dirty dog's Avatar
I guess you didn't recognize the line from the song...

Even basketball players are starting to worry about their taxes.
The Jews are starting to worry about their ancestral homelands.
The Hispanics are starting to worry that promises will never be kept
Blacks are starting to worry that they will always have high unemployment
Small business owers are starting to worry that they will be sacrificed on the alter of Obamaism.
You tell me (since you are so joyful) who is not worried besides Alfred E. Neuman? Originally Posted by john_galt
I think this song is only playing in your head. You seriously need to get out and enjoy the sunshine and quit living in front of the TV.
john_galt's Avatar
Kingston Trio??? nice try but go back earlier still to the Carter family and 1930.

I spend most of my time on the road, in class, and at work. Six hours of sleep and start over.
dirty dog's Avatar
Turn off the talk radio then, it might help you.
john_galt's Avatar
DD, I know you didn't mean it but start when you start talking about my early music, you start ragging on my mother. Leave her out of it.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
Turn off the talk radio then, it might help you. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Yeah DD. I can CLEARLY see that this was an attack on JG's mother and it is uncalled for in this thread. If you want to continue to badmouth his mother, please start a new thread.