Screening question

OK... bracing myself for the haters to come out... but...

I got a comment on my blog (link is below) about screening men for height and weight. Have any providers out there ever asked potential clients if they are overweight or for a physical description in the screening process? Pictures?

I know many providers screen for age, so is weight any different?

Would hobbyists be offended if it was asked?


I use this question in my screening;

"Age and how will I recognize you?"
atlcomedy's Avatar
Alex, welcome and great to see someone else here from the ATL...
No...but for me, that does not matter. Weight, height, cut or uncut, age, hair color, eye color, income, profession.....
As long as they are clean, a gentleman, have the donation, and don't give me the creeps....GAME ON, LET'S PLAY!

I am here for a good time, and I KNOW they are here for it too!
racr2453's Avatar
I am a really big guy, and would not be offended at all if a lady didnt want to see me. I always offer it up without being asked. I dont think our time together would be that great if she were repulsed by my size. I have been lucky with the providers I have seen, as they have all been ok with it.
Madame X's Avatar
I use this question in my screening;

"Age and how will I recognize you?" Originally Posted by Ansley
Well put Ansley

For me, it's not about judgment, who I will or will not see based on whatever criteria (as long as you're polite and pleasant) but I just want to know what you look like! Suppose I knock on the wrong hotel door or something, or walk up to the wrong stranger in a bar? A head's up would be nice.

~Mme X~
Well put Ansley

For me, it's not about judgment, who I will or will not see based on whatever criteria (as long as you're polite and pleasant) but I just want to know what you look like! Suppose I knock on the wrong hotel door or something, or walk up to the wrong stranger in a bar? A head's up would be nice.

~Mme X~ Originally Posted by Madame X
I guess for me it is part judgment. I will rarely see men under the age of 35.
darn 3 more yrs until i am in ansley's age bracket lol
darn 3 more yrs until i am in ansley's age bracket lol Originally Posted by oenghus
Yeah, but unfortunately, she probably raises the lower limit every year she gets older...which means you'll be out of luck.
White Tiger's Avatar
Ansley--I am not fat, not ugly, not young, not single and not poor. And I would love to see you next time you come to Dallas. You will be able to recognize me by the huge smile on my face.
Ansley-- You will be able to recognize me by the huge smile on my face. Originally Posted by White Tiger
Like this:
Sa_artman's Avatar
OK... bracing myself for the haters to come out... but...

I got a comment on my blog (link is below) about screening men for height and weight. Have any providers out there ever asked potential clients if they are overweight or for a physical description in the screening process? Pictures?

I know many providers screen for age, so is weight any different?

Would hobbyists be offended if it was asked?


Alex Originally Posted by Alex Lieberman
Well, being neither fat nor short, I did cringe reading that blog. Granted, it's your business and your right to make your choices, but the attempt at humor just smacks of bigotry. Just simply putting it on your requirements or stating somewhere you have a weight limit would suffice. I wouldn't question your right to choose who you see, much the way we pick and choose providers, but when you put it out there and attempt to cover your disdain with poor humor, I think it cheapens you.

That's not being a hater, don't know you, but just my observation. Anytime you use a segment of society for your personal gain, which in this case is you trying to be funny and stay relevant with your blog, than I find it distasteful. We're not talking being overly politically correct, just within normal societal boundaries of good taste. Now seeing as obviously providers operate outside the socially acceptable norm, maybe you feel it's ok and makes for good reading. I don't know. I guess we afford prisoners the same right, why not you? Coming from your own blog "I never had a thick skin, and being in this business shockingly didn’t make it any thicker. I didn’t like hanging around mean girls." If you reread your blog and put yourself in the the big boys' place or any big man reading that, haven't you become the 'mean girl'?
gee thanks charles way to boost my ego lol
Just being my ole smart a** self.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Well, being neither fat nor short, I did cringe reading that blog. Granted, it's your business and your right to make your choices, but the attempt at humor just smacks of bigotry. Just simply putting it on your requirements or stating somewhere you have a weight limit would suffice. I wouldn't question your right to choose who you see, much the way we pick and choose providers, but when you put it out there and attempt to cover your disdain with poor humor, I think it cheapens you.

That's not being a hater, don't know you, but just my observation. Anytime you use a segment of society for your personal gain, which in this case is you trying to be funny and stay relevant with your blog, than I find it distasteful. We're not talking being overly politically correct, just within normal societal boundaries of good taste. Now seeing as obviously providers operate outside the socially acceptable norm, maybe you feel it's ok and makes for good reading. I don't know. I guess we afford prisoners the same right, why not you? Coming from your own blog "I never had a thick skin, and being in this business shockingly didn’t make it any thicker. I didn’t like hanging around mean girls." If you reread your blog and put yourself in the the big boys' place or any big man reading that, haven't you become the 'mean girl'? Originally Posted by Sa_artman
Bravo!! I totally agree.