A few months back I met up with a young lady from a dating site..she was very nice and we chatted about sex and perversion and decided one night we would ravish each other. The night comes and she basically tells me to put up or shut up..ass play..ripped stockings..tourettes sex talk..things are going fine and the sex is literally flowing then she asks..
"Fucking choke me" I am like ummm pardon me? "You heard me, choke me" well we were all in at this point so I throttle her neck a little. Nope. She wants more. She demands more. I try my best to reach her level of desire and just couldn't bring myself to really go all out chocking her. She was obviously disappointed and we grudge fucked till we were done.
I guess I am asking..have y'all been on either side of this? Is this a harmful thing for either or both parties?? I am still a little weirded by it.
What say you?
(this is not a bragging type post..she way out fucked me)