where do I ask questions at?

I need to ask what areas are good to stay in while visiting? But I dont want to write in thw wrong section. ...please help
If you want to hear from the women only, post in the Infoshare forum.

If you want to hear from guys and girls, post in Coed Discussions.

While I have your attention, you need to fix your signature block ASAP. This is the PM reminder that I send to the ladies regarding this often abused item:
Ladies, each one of you is getting this message because your signature area exceeds ( violates ) the maximum parameters allowed by the guidelines. Please bring your signature into compliance with the site:

Forum Guidelines

#23 - Each member's signature line is an extension of their ability to express their personality to others online. We offer a relaxed and flexible set of guidelines for our members and staff to follow regarding maintenance of their signature area. In short, you are allowed 15 lines of text, space, and images. You may include colored text or larger font sizes, and you may include images that do not exceed 60 pixels in height. Limit font size to "5." Images or larger-than-default text will be counted as 3 of your 15 lines allowed, so please consider this when constructing your signature area. Additionally, you may include links and other items of contact info, but avoid mentioning specifics regarding acronyms, services, or rates. We also ask that you refrain from including links to or mention of competing websites.
The magic numbers are :

15 lines. The maximum number of lines of text in standard font size. The text in this message is standard size =1.

3 lines. When using larger than default fonts, it counts for three lines, and so do the double-spaces in between those lines.

60 pixels. The maximum height for any image in your signature. There is no restriction in width for images.

Total area. This is the maximum of 15 lines again as a total of text lines, images and spaces.

Failure to comply with this friendly request will result in a member of staff removing the content of your sig altogether. Please do the right thing, so that you may choose on your own what you wish to keep, edit and remove from that area.

For more details, read the guideline quoted above. For the record, the powers-that-be feel like this issue is abused too much, so we will start monitoring this closely. Thanks for your cooperation ladies.

Dallas ECCIE Staff