10 Biggest Pranks Obama Pulled on America

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
From IJ Review:

1. No Middle Class Tax Hikes

President Obama promised not to raise taxes on the middle class. But the fiscal cliff deal hiked the payroll tax by 2%, and 'taxes' are raised on insurers through Obamacare. April Fool's!

2. Cut the Deficit in Half

In 2009, Obama promised to cut the deficit in half. Obama averaged record $1.3 trillion deficits over his first term. Hey, your shoelaces are untied!

3. Stimulus Would Lower Unemployment

The $812 billion stimulus package projected the unemployment rate would be below 5.4% by now. Only reason it is 7.7% is because of millions excluded from the labor force. Ever try a Hertz donut?

4. Economic Growth

The White House predicted 2012 GDP (economic) growth of 4.6% back in 2009. Instead, the Weekly Standard points out that GDP growth was almost a third of that at 1.77% through 2012 Q3 and the last quarter is now estimated at 0.4% growth. Would you like to go snipe hunting?

5. Transparency

The Obama administration came into office in 2009 touting it would be the most transparent in history. Instead, repeated rejections of information requests and secret meetings make it among the most secretive. Hey, there goes Elvis!

6. If You Like Your Doctor...

Obama promised people can keep their doctors when pushing Obamacare. Forbes reported the White House conceding: low reimbursement rates “might end (provider) participation and possibly jeopardize access to care by beneficiaries.” Is that mustard on your shirt?

7. If You Like Your Insurance, You Can Keep It

Obama promised this repeatedly. Forbes: "officials project that employers will pay $135 billion in fines to opt out of health insurance for their employees. You cannot keep your current insurance if your employer no longer offers it!” Who put this whoopee cushion on my chair?

8. Obamacare Won't Add to Deficit

Obama said the 10-year cost of Obamacare will be less than $1 trillion. The $900 billion originally sold to the public is actually at least $2.7 trillion. Shoot, there's a bag on fire on my porch!

9. Energy Independence

Obama touted an "all-of-the-above' energy strategy during his campaign that in reality includes less coal, offshore drilling, fewer public land oil & gas permits; as well as obstructing fracking for natural gas and delaying the Keystone pipeline. Did someone just put sugar in my gas tank?

10. Hope and Change

Barack Obama was made President of the United States mainly due to a campaign of "hope and change" that was uncritically promoted by the mainstream media. Instead, Obama is just another slick politician who makes promises at others’ expense, blames others when he doesn’t deliver, and flaunts Constitutional limitations when convenient. Dude, where's my country?

Read more at http://www.reagancoalition.com/artic...IzBVz6TLuE0.99
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The sheeple will bleat the platitudes and follow him to slaughter.
Good list; of course the Obama "prank list" is a lot longer than the above 10....

I keep hoping the American public will get wise to what Obama is doing; in the first term, there was hope that Obama would govern true to his campaign pledges. That didn't happen, so let's see how Obama's approvals trend in his 2nd term.