ISO: A Berkley Horse? The Perfect Spanking Bench?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I am looking for a spanking bench to be made for me or to purchase. I need some feedback and input. The following are a few sites that I've found and I did write the person from and haven't received an answer yet but I probably will at some point.

But everything seems really expensive.

Ideally, I'm thinking of a wooden and fairly simple spanking bench. I have improvised in the past but I would appreciate any ideas. Thanks!

Blog on interesting spanking furniture.
Extreme and high end kink and furniture offerings.

Red-faced kisses,
Shackle's Avatar
EW good bondage furniture is expensive but it really does set the right mood for playtime.
enigma878's Avatar
There are some people here in Texas who make this stuff and You will likely get it for much less. Check out as there are some people who are members there that may be able to help.
You could also take a trip up to the Sanctuary and check the bulletin boards. There are some local people who make furniture for the enjoyment of it (and its use!).

Things don't have to be expensive, even those of quality, if you find the right person who makes it for pleasure and not as a business.
houston_switch's Avatar
THe foot end of a bed also works well. Feet tied to the bed legs, arms tied to the headboard. The bottom is well rounded and back is supported by the bed. Perfect for an hour or so of paddles and canes... my bottom is still sore, four days later :0