I've heard this question several times from ladies as I was putting my wallet away or pulling my socks back on. I've usually had the good sense to reply unromantically that I am headed to the Olive Garden to spend about as much on spaghetti as I just paid for the sex, then to my room at the Motel 6 for about nine hours' sleep. Recently, though, I decided to take a different approach with one of the more attractive airdancers at BDD: "Well, I thought I'd take you out to dinner." There is of course no way I can capture in writing the contempt conveyed by her scornful chuckle. Can anyone recommend a response that does not sound cold and crass, yet doesn't set a guy up for a verbal shot to the scrotum?
I just tell them that I'm building an alter in my attic, dedicated to them, that I'm going to decorate with their pictures, where I'm going to sacrifice cats for their salvation.
Sex makes me hungry so if I have time I'll say: I'm going to lunch, care to join me? Some they do, some they don't and some you just can't tell. Some they will and and some they won't and some its just as well.
Tell her your going to put a hit out on your wife so you can spend every minute with her from now on. And you can take care of any guys in her life besdies you if she wants.
A suggestion Raquel. Never use the word "small" in conversation after having sex with a guy. I find something like. "Thanks for the Bens. Let yourself out, will you?" works real well.