Annie Sprinkle in Austin Saturday night

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The VORTEX is pleased to present NAKED IN THE DIRT: ASSUMING THE ECOSEXUAL POSITION with Annie Sprinkle & Elizabeth Stephens, a “performative slideshow and tell lecture presentation” with our good friends and internationally renowned performance artists. One night only, in The VORTEX, at 10pm after EARTH.

What happens when two city girls embrace the Earth as their lover? They get real dirty! Then they marry the Earth, Sky, Sea, Rocks, Sun, and more, in a series of performance art weddings. Now they come to Austin to work with VORTEX Producing Artistic Director Bonnie Cullum and her mountain of EARTH in The VORTEX. Cullum has filled The VORTEX with 17 tons of dirt for her production of EARTH which plays through April 20 at The VORTEX. Annie and Beth can’t wait to get naked and dirty in The VORTEX