my reviews

OK so you all criticize my reviews, Angelica is awesome, if u don't take my word for it, its your loss, I will keep seeing her but I won't post any more reviews, you all are a bunch of opinionated know it alls, she does not need your approval to be good
And if you are wondering, she is more than too good to be true,
The DarkSide's Avatar
OK so you all criticize my reviews, Angelica is awesome, if u don't take my word for it, its your loss, I will keep seeing her but I won't post any more reviews, you all are a bunch of opinionated know it alls, she does not need your approval to be good Originally Posted by dominator69
I am sorry Angelica you won't be posting any reviews because I will miss the witty repartee!
Adeptus32's Avatar
Moved to correct forum. -Adeptus-
Dominator, you seem sincere in your desire to help this girl so first off, don't let the criticism you've received deter you. Lack of contact information and details are a valid point.

Due to the lack of any kind of working link, two of your reviews have spawned two separate profiles for this girl, one under the name Jasmine, the other under the name Angelica. You aren't doing her any favors if men can't find her based on your reviews.

Second, if you really want to give her a hand, tell her about this website so that she can come here and register, and create a showcase to go with the reviews she is getting.

Same girl, two profiles. Can a moderator fix this?
First off, nice post SOF

Angelica, may in fact not need any of our approval.

However, hopefully the dominator will crawl back into whatever cyber hole he/she came from, and not only stop posting worthless reviews but just plan go away.

So don't let the door hit ya, where the good Lord split ya!!!!

Trust me, your absence will definitely not be notice