Life-Changing Video!!!

Marcus78's Avatar
After watching this, all I can say is 'Merica, Fuck Yeah!!!! Also, First Amendment for the win....or possibly a strong case to place some limits on that bad boy! LOL I hope you enjoy, but I thoroughly doubt that you will.

Also, is there any city besides Austin where you would see something like this in Texas?
More like kill some brain cells.
levi tab's Avatar
I guess the song ended cause he came? ... I can't believe I saw the whole sick video...
Marcus- it was equivalent to a train wreck....I couldn't stop watching the jiggle! MY EYES HURT.

Not sure about other cities in Texas.... I'm thinking thats not quite grounds for amending the 1st.... But its a strong case for limiting recreational forbidden topics while pregnant...... ;-)
levi tab's Avatar
.... But its a strong case for limiting recreational forbidden topics while pregnant...... ;-) Originally Posted by DDMcGee
I just spit my drink all over my computer reading that ...
flinde's Avatar
kinda had that charlie manson thing going.
DUDE! I didn't know TS Erica performed!
mwsatx's Avatar
I think Leslie from 6th Street got reincarnated!!

I'm not sure which is more fucked up, the dude singing or the biker dude fondling the jiggle.

Marcus, you owe us all a beer for making us watch that shit. Fucker.
Marcus78's Avatar
Oh come on ya'll. That background beat is pure gold! And those lyrics; I don't think Shakespeare could have written such beauty...

But yes. Those bikers coming to fondle his junk just added to the creepiness/oddness of the already fucked up video! LOL
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 04-07-2013, 11:26 PM
That takes "keeping Austin weird" to a whole new level.

I think that deserves points. What do you all think?

levi tab's Avatar
That takes "keeping Austin weird" to a whole new level.

I thank that deserves points. What do you all think?

Originally Posted by Mokoa
I'll donate my point to Marcus78
darter's Avatar
Glad I read the comments first. Not sure if I'll let my curiosity get the better of me and watch it now...
levi tab's Avatar
Glad I read the comments first. Not sure if I'll let my curiosity get the better of me and watch it now... Originally Posted by darter

I'm gonna have to put Marcus78 in the same list as Double J is on...Don't click their links link
greenhorn1960's Avatar
My eyes hurt.