If you get the window open, errr do not for get to put the screen in place.
Sometimes, I feel like I am giving myself a permanent aerosol whipit with air freshener when hotel room windows do not open.. Originally Posted by Frankie Fine
I'm ocd I would flip shit if I walked into a grubber hole. It goes both ways my fav Gents are the ones that walk in, greet, place donation, and go wash thier hands plus use mouthwash. Money is dirty as hell don't put your ickies near my face or flower.It feels good to know the extra 10 miles you go is appreciated haha
At my private incall I do the bottled water, chilled wine, and bake thing I always laugh when my reviews mention my baking here is my most recent one haha http://www.naughtyreviews.com/escort...bbw-experience Originally Posted by Lexxxy