Seem to be in vogue with younger women, particularly those of middle to lower socioeconomic status. Not nearly as many to be seen in my daughters' Ivy League grad school classes, although there are a few.
Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I tend to disagree with you on the "middle to lower socioeconomic status". This might have been a true stereotype in the past, not anymore.
I earn a decent living, live in a higher upper middle class suburb, and one of my daughters and a boat load of her friends did get plenty of tattoos. Another Daughter of mine did not. It is a fashion thing, period. The difference is that my tattooed daughter had a lot of friends; the other is more shy. My oldest, the one of the tattoos, regrets several (but not all) of her tattoos, and she goes to a major university. University friends of her have tattoos too.
I also have nephews and nieces with tattoos - One of them is a doctor and their father is a wealthy doctor. The founder of Southwest airlines put a Southwest tattoo on his arm...
I used to not like it at all. A certain provider that I'm very fond of has a lot of nice tattoos, and now I like them, even the ones of my daughter. This provider changed my view.
In my opinion, the tattoos have to be of good taste, and should not be very visible and easily cover-able in social or work-related situations, for the world has not entirely accepted that yet.